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Original chapter title: I Don't Have Time!

"Hey Mar, you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Can't." She says, her eyes still scanning one of the many pages in the huge packet that's in her hand. "I've got the play auditions that I absolutely can't miss."

Play auditions? I rip the packet out of her hands and read the title. My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. "The Sound of Music?"

"Shut up." she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at the floor to her left.

"Are you serious?" I ask her. Marlene's never told me about this before. I didn't even know she did plays. I thought that she hated them.

"Well yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Never pegged you as the acting type." I shrug, giving her back the script and shoving my hands in my pockets.

"I was Annie in the play Annie when I was ten. I've wanted to be an actress since I was the lead in The Gingerbread Girl when we were in kindergarten."

I remember that play. I had to be a fucking tree. "You never told me about this before." 

She shrugs. "I prefer to keep my acting life and my personal life separate, you know?"

"Have you been in anything else?" I ask, actually curious.

She nods. "Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, and a few others."

"The lead in all of them?" she nods. "Figures."

The thought of her kissing another guy, even in just a play, makes my blood boil.

"Gee, thanks for being so supportive." She snaps sarcastically. She turns on her heel and starts to storm off.

"I didn't mean it like that." I call after her.

She stops abruptly and turns around, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh really? Then what the hell did you mean? Because I, for one, am confused."

"You've always pushed yourself to be the best. Why change that on a stage in front of an audience too? And you've always been good speaking in front of people. You don't mind being filmed on camera."

"Good point." She relaxes some. "So do you maybe want hang out on Sunday? I've got nothing going on then." She sounds hopeful, her eyes lighting up.

"I would, but Zeke, Four, and Caleb are dragging me out to something." I sigh. "They won't tell me what the hell it is."

"Can you skip?"

"Sadly, no."

"Okay then. Maybe next week." She tries to cover up her disappointment, but it's still quite obvious. I give her a smile and kiss her quickly. We both turn and walk in opposite directions. I should've known that she's an actress. One, it's Marlene. Two, you're only that good at lying when you're an actor- and a good one at that.

Damn. She sure as hell knows how to keep a secret.

I wonder what else she's been hiding from me...

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