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Original chapter title: The Dodgeball Deathmatch

I watch with narrowed eyes as the Bitch Squad- also known as the Slut Squad- walk into the gym dressing room like they own the fucking place. Marlene, Christina, and Lauren laugh at something that Lynn said, and Cara shakes her head before staring back at her stupid book. When they go to their lockers, I see a new addition to their group.

The girl is scrawny and short, with dirty blonde waves that are tied back in a ponytail. Her eyes are a flat blue-gray. Ugly. "Yo, Stiff!" I call, using our school's nickname for newbies. I start towards her and shove her into one of the lockers.

"What the hell do you want?" She snaps, glaring at me.

"Oh, how cute. You actually know how to talk." I taunt. The last class I had her in, she didn't say a word. And when she did, she mumbled it.

"Back off, Molly." Lynn snarls. I barely glance at her. "Unless you want your pride wounded." Remembering what happened last time I pushed Lynn too far, I back off. I stick up my middle finger at Lynn, who returns the gesture with a pissed off expression. She looks like a fucking dog or something. I roll my eyes and jog out into the gym. Peter and Drew are already out here.

"We've got a Stiff on our hands." I smirk.

"Total bitch?" Drew asks. I grin wickedly.

"Ruin her." Peter gets an evil glint in his eyes when he says it, and I nod. I know just what to do.

It just won't all happen at once.


I scoop up a ball and hurl it straight at the Stiff's head. She deflects it easily with her ball, using it like a shield of some sort. I see her smirk at me and give her the most pissed-off glare I can. She doesn't know what she's in for.

"Damn," Drew says. "She's good." I slap him in the back of the head. I pick up another ball and am about to throw it, when I get hit in the gut with a ball. I look around and see Lynn smiling sweetly while tossing a ball from hand to hand. I sit down on the bleachers, seething.

Stiff gets out both Peter and Drew. How the hell  did she get out Peter? He's the best dodgeball player in our gym class. Class, not school, mind you. I notice that the Stiff also got out Will and Cara. Lauren jumps over a random ball that some idiot threw.

The whistle blows. "Game over! Lauren's team wins again!" My team groans in defeat, and everyone runs into their locker rooms. Why did Lauren pick the Stiff, anyways?

Probably because she's friends with Marlene and them, I think.

I see the Stiff and grab her arm, twisting it hard behind her back. It doesn't seem to effect her, but I know it does. "I'll get you for this." I snarl, and then I pull her back behind me and storm into the locker room.

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