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A/N: The original title was Secrets, Secrets, and- Oh, Look at That!- More Secrets but I had to change it 'cause it was too long. Just tellin ya.

Original chapter title on Wattpad: Secrets, Secrets, and More Secrets

We met Beatrice, who we now call Tris, yesterday at lunch. I'm at Zeke and Uriah's house with Shauna, Marlene, and obviously Zeke and Uriah. We all lounge around on the couches in their 'Media Room'. That's what Zeke calls it. His mom says it's their play room.

"How's it at home?" Shauna asks me, leaning against Zeke. He slides his arm around her shoulders.

"Terrible. Like always."

"Yeah, well, your dad's an asshole that doesn't know his left from his right." Marlene says, looking irritated.

"He wasn't like that until my mom left." I tell her. I have no idea why I'm defending him.

"Gives him no right to be an abusive ass." Shauna snaps.

"You're right, but what can I do about it? Nothing." I lean back against the couch.

"Four, you can't let him push you around like that."

"What should I do then? Beat him with his own belt? Like that'd happen." I'm exhausted. My friends-basically our whole lunch group- are the only ones that know about my father being abusive and that my mother left.

Everyone falls silent.

"What do you think of Tris?" Marlene asks suddenly. We all jump. That caught all of us off guard.

"She's nice...?"

"Do you think she's pretty?"

"Marlene!" Uriah scolds.

"Just curious." she says, raising her hands in mock surrender.

"I heard that she and her brother are orphans." Zeke announces.

"What?!" All of us exclaim.

"It's just a stupid rumor." He rolls his eyes.

"God, people are annoying." Uriah rolls his eyes too.

"I feel bad for her. Molly, Peter, and Drew are after her." Marlene sighs.

"Oh god," I run a hand over my face. "That girl doesn't know what she's in for."

"Yeah. But she's got us, right?" Shauna asks.

Right. Us. The people that everyone considers the social rejects. Like we'll be of any assistance.

"Right." Uriah agrees.

"And if we have to, we'll just let Lynn near the sharp objects." Marlene says with a shrug. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a little blood coming from them."

I shake my head. You really don't realize just how crazy people are until they're your friends.

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