Love is a Wound - Chapter 17

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Guy knocked on Katherine's door and heard her bid him enter. She was sitting reading a book as though she had not a care in the world. But it was obvious that she had been weeping.

‘Have you everything you need, Katherine?’ he asked her.

‘Yes, thank you.

Guy sat down without being asked. She closed her book.

‘You know why I am here Katherine? I repeat my offer of marriage to you. I love you.’

She shook her head and looked at him as if she could not believe his words. ‘What kind of man are you to think that I would tie myself to someone who had been instrumental in cheating me out of my rightful inheritance?‘

‘Katherine, you must believe me when I say I did not plan any of this ... the will ... the estate. I have only ever wanted you.’

She rose abruptly and walked away from him. ‘Even if you did not think of this, you are the Sheriff's right hand man. You have carried out his wishes. From that first night you both decided to ruin the de Beaufort family.’

Guy paused before replying, hoping to get his thoughts in order. ‘That is not true. I admit I wanted you on that first night ...I still want you, but I never intended to hurt you. ‘He ran his hand through his hair, ‘Katherine, I want to make you my wife; I do not view you simply as some woman to merely tumble into bed. I want to share my life with you. I will protect you, care for you, make sure you want for nothing.’

How could he explain to her that something which had begun as covetousness and lust had now consumed him so completely that he no longer knew what he believed in? That he was in uncharted territory; that she made him feel as though all he had previously achieved was nothing when compared with earning her approval?

He tried again, in as easy a tone as he could muster, ‘I know that I cannot replace all you had at Hindelford Manor, but perhaps we can build a life together that almost approaches it, at Locksley Manor?’

‘In another house you have stolen from its rightful owner?’ She almost spat the words and even though he knew he should be gentle with her, he felt his own anger rising.

He stood up. ‘Hood chose to be an outlaw, he forfeited the right to his title and to his home.’  He tried to rein his voice in, but he had shouted but now, as so often happened with them, all was silence.

He knew that if he did not say something, she never would. ‘Katherine. I am sorry ... I should not have come here now, you are still too upset.’

She nodded and he saw her swallow and wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be well if only she would stop fighting him.

‘I will return tomorrow,’ he said, gently. ‘We will talk again.’

When she did not reply he went over to her and took hold of her hand and just held it. He desperately wanted to raise that hand to his lips, but he did not. Just stood there enjoying the feel of her skin against his. He waited for her to pull her hand away, but he sensed she was too heart sore and weary to even attempt that.

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