31 | protego

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Hello my loves! My biggest apologies for the delayed update. I was going to update last week, but it didn't seem right to post anything new in lieu of Sulli's death. As you all know, I consider mental health of the utmost importance. Even this book explores issues like PTSD and depression. I hope that you are all in good health (mentally and physically). And if you ever need a listening ear, my inbox is open for you, always.

x Noelle


3 1

p r o t e g o

Blocks spells.

ANDROMEDA'S HOUSE SOON became a safe haven for the five.

With the place kept on permanent lockdown, the five had no choice but to remain within the premises. Only Andromeda had a wand in her possession, and she was the only one who could leave. But even then, it wasn't often.

Some members from the Order visited everyday to make sure that none of them had escaped. Draco caught occasional glimpses of them, but he and the others made it a point to steer clear out of the Order's way. The Order seemed to have made themselves explicitly clear: Stay out of our way, and we'll stay out of yours.

It didn't seem to matter to Hermione or Theo or even Draco himself. He was still on the fence with this whole defecting business - it was clear that the Order was never going to accept them, so why bother trying?

He knew that Pansy and Blaise, on the other hand, were getting rather restless. Blaise read and reread his books voraciously, while Pansy was adamant on brushing up her skills at wandless magic. They wanted to help, and were clearly frustrated by the turn of events.

But Draco wasn't going to start sniffing around for trouble when trouble didn't come knocking. He'd spent three bloody years charging into the foray. Andromeda's place was a pleasant change. He liked that, in this house, they could easily forget about the war or the stupid Order.

But, like everything else, this wasn't to last.

Several days later, he was sitting on the front porch as Pansy practiced wandless magic on him. She was still learning how to hex without a wand, but it was proving to be an uphill task so far.

"Stop grinning," Pansy said. "And could you at least put up a Protego in case I hurt you?"

Draco waved her away dismissively. "Granger will fix me up if you do."

Pansy sighed and lifted her head to glance up at the sky above. "It's going to rain."

He rolled his eyes before focusing his attention on her. "Rictusempra."

Pansy immediately dropped to the ground in a fit of uncontrollable laughter, and he smirked in satisfaction. "You arse!" She yelled, in between helpless giggles. "You know that I'm ticklish as anything!"

"Then don't lose your concentration," he returned and lifting the spell off her. She huffed, climbing to her feet and saying something snarky. But his focus was diverted as he glanced up at the sky, just as she'd done just moments ago.

" - and I swear," Pansy rambled on, not realising that Draco was no longer paying her any attention, "someday, when you're not looking, I'll hex your bloody balls off - "

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