16 | fidelius

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Hello my loves! As it's nano season, I tend to be very forgetful about updating Draconian when my focus is on Miles Away. That said, this story is NOT on hiatus. So if TEN DAYS go by without me updating this story, will one of you be able to (kindly) remind me? Basically drop a message on my board or DM me via instagram, whatever it takes to get my attention. Thanks very much for the help in advance!

x Noelle


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f i d e l i u s

Conceals a secret.

DRACO HAD FALLEN asleep with Hermione in his arms.

He didn't realise it, not until the next morning, when soft knocks on the door woke him. His sleep had been fitful as usual, his senses still alert as ever.

Because when it came to a war, you slept with your eyes wide open.

But it was different last night. He felt more rested, somehow, and a part of him wondered if it had anything to do with the witch whose head lay on his chest. He glanced down at her silently. One of her hands lay fisted around the fabric of his jumper; while the other clutched the phial hanging from the chain he'd given to her. Her breaths were steady, peaceful, which seemed almost ludicrous in a time like this.

The persistent knocks drew him up. He shifted Hermione aside and got up to open the door.

Blaise was standing outside, two plates of waffles in his hands; and Pansy was next to him, holding a tray of healing potions. She managed a half-smirk by way of greeting, but Blaise smiled brightly at him. "Morning, mate. How's Hermione?"

"Still sleeping," Draco replied, casting a brief glance over his shoulder at the brunette on his bed. But Hermione was no longer sleeping; she was slowly beginning to sit up and smiled when she saw Blaise and Pansy standing by the doorway.

"Hello, Hermione," Pansy pushed past Draco quickly, ignoring the low growl in his throat as she did, and headed straight for the girl. It had only been weeks, but Pansy sometimes treated Hermione like she was her best mate and if he was being entirely honest, this nicer side of Pansy was sure as hell fucking with his mind.

"How're you feeling?" Pansy asked, setting the potions on the bedside drawer and helping Hermione to the edge of the bed. Blaise took that as a cue to enter the room too, pushing past Draco and setting the waffles down on the table.

Draco swore under his breath and shut the door. If he didn't shut the door, he was almost certain even Theo would come barging in sooner or later. His room was beginning to feel like a common meeting place and he didn't quite know how he felt about that.

Hermione, on the other hand, looked pleased to see his friends. "I'm much better now, thank you."

"That's great," said Blaise. "If you're feeling better, why don't you come out of the room?"

Draco immediately froze at Blaise's question.

"There's a TV outside, we've got tons of things to do outside, and you can get eat whatever food you can find in the kitchen. I mean, you can't stay in this room forever – "

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