Chapter 11

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"Uhhhhhhhh.... I'm Dark Link and I was definitely not watching her!" He ran out of the room. I just looked at Destiny and she just woke up. "What?" "..... nothing... oh I was wondering if you took me to my room?" "Ummm... no I got up here by Dark but you? I would ask Dark or Ben because they were up all night maybe" I nodded and ran downstairs. I decided I would grab some toast and then go walk around outside. While I was walking into the living room I decided to ask Ben. "Hey Ben?" "Yeah?" "Do you know who took me to bed?" "Yeah it was Masky why?" "Just wondering..." I walked to the front of the stairs and yelled up. "Hey Destiny let's go on a hike!" She yelled down "Hell ya!" Destiny ran downstairs and ran out the door but hit someone. "Fuck! That hurt!" The guy chuckled and waved. "Hey!" I waved back. "Hey what's your name?" "Oh it Helen, yours?" I told him my name and Destiny told hers. "So we are about to go hiking you wanna come with?" "Nah I got stuff to do but thanks." "No problem" I started to walk a random direction but I saw Destiny with a bookbag. "What's in there?" "Oh... it has water and other shit" I shrugged.

After a couple of hours of being lost....

We came up to this really pretty view. It is a waterfall with a huge pool like depth to swim in. Destiny walked up behind me and looked up. "HOLY SHIT!" I giggled "Nice to ruin the mood haha" She looked at me with a serious face. "More like brighten it up!" I giggled again and looked at Destiny. "So in the backpack of yours? Does it have our swimsuits?" "Yep!" "What else do you have?" "Drinks and CANDY!" I laughed and opened her back. "Let's go swimming!" "Yes!" I handed her, her swimsuit then I got mine out. "Let's go!" I climbed over the waterfall and looked down. "Ready?" "Hell no!" "Go!" I jumped in while laughing. I plunged into the water and noticed the depth was just deep enough to jump in except for under the water fall it's pretty shallow. It goes to my hips. Destiny didn't jump yet so I yelled up to her. "Come on! Don't be a pussy!" She looked at me pissed. "This to too high!" I suddenly heard her scream and fall but luckily into the water. Then I saw Sally poke her head out from all the way up the waterfall. "Hahaha! Sally be careful up there!" She gave me a thumbs up. "I'm leaving I was just falling you guys because I was bored so bye!" I waved while Destiny curse under her breath. I laughed at splashed her. "Hey!" She splashed me back. "Hahaha!" We kept on splashing each other until it started to get dark. "Do you know what?" Destiny looked at me. "What?" "This is goin to be so much fun walking back because we are lost..." "I have a tent in my bookbag." "Hahaha! Really?!" She nodded and chuckled. I shrugged do you have any lights?" "Yeah I have two flashlights and a candle" "Wow you came prepared haha!" We both laughed and just relaxed in the water.

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