Love Me. . . .If You Dare (6)

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Hiyah people!

Although not many people have read this story yet - I WILL NOT GIVE UP HOPE!

I have a lot of faith in this story - and I think it can go really far. I am still so excited about it. I can't even tell you.

About last chapter - that was one of the ONLY few times the story will be in Jake's POV. Just thought I should let you know.


I will love you forever and ever!!!!! PLEASSSEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Ok, enough of my pathetic groveling!

On with the the story!


(Chapter Six)

(Back to Nicki's POV)

I pulled into the driveway - it was a little bit of a struggle getting there though. Because we just moved here yesterday - I still wasn't completely used to these roads and what-not. But I eventually found my way back home.

I grabbed my bag and made my way up to the front door of our new house. Andy's keys were still in my hand so I rummaged through them to get the new house key. 

I found it and was about to put it in the key-whole when the door opened quickly and forcefully. I just stood there and lowered my eyes to look at the ground. I knew who it was - and I knew that he was pissed.

He didn't say anything - but his breathing was heavy and I could feel his murderous gaze penetrating though me. 

"Uhhh. . . ." I said in a pathetic tone. "Wow, the door opened and I didn't even say 'Open Sesimi. . . .'" I started to try to lighten up the mood. It did not work.

"Your damn right it didn't open with a fucking 'Open Sesimi', you know why?!" Andy shouted at me.

I looked at him then. His nostrils were flaring and his face was bright red. And his face is NEVER anything but pale. . . .accept for when he's angry.

"I'll tell you why! YOU DITCHED SCHOOL AND TOOK MY CAR!!" He screamed. If steam could come out of his ears it would have by now. . . .he hasn't been this mad in a while. And it was scary.

He closed his eyes and put his thumb and pointer finger on the bridge of his nose - something he only did when he was REALLY upset.

"Get inside, Nichole." He almost whispered.

Just like Ty, Andy NEVER used my full name unless he was truly upset.

I quickly run-walked inside and was about to go upstairs when he said to meet him on the couch.

"I'm sorry for going all ape-shit on you - it's just that one - you skipped school and two - you took my car. And I know that the car is kinda for the both of us. . .but you know what I mean, don't you Nick?" He said.

I nodded. I couldn't tell him what Jake did. . . .or else he would go find him, kill him, and use his remains to feed the fish. . . . .and Jake apologized today, too. I couldn't be the one to cause his murder. . .haha.

Just the thought of Jake sent my heart beating WAY faster than normal. I better not like him. . . .

"What are you thinking about that is making your heart beat so fast?" Andy asked.

"How did you know that?" I asked, wide eyed.

He looked a little scared for sec but he covered it up by saying, "You are my sister, let alone my twin - how could I NOT know something like that." He said in a 'duh' tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2011 ⏰

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