Love Me. . . .If You Dare (3)

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We made our way into the school. All the guys were still checking out and all the girls were checking out Andy and giggling with one another.

Tyrone took us to the front office to help us get our schedules and whatnot. 

As we approached the desk a few girls were in front of us in line. 

One of them turned around.

"Well, hello Tyro--" Said the girl. She had short blonde hair with a couple blue highlights. She was very pretty and she seemed really innocent. But I was also guessing that she was the leader of this little group. But she cut herself off when she looked at Andy.

"Hi - I'm Tina. What's your name?" She said to Andy in a really shy voice.

"Andrew," He said, smirking. And then he leaned closer to her, "Andy for short." He half whispered. 

Oh great. Here we go. Attention students the ultimate player has entered the fucking building.

Here friends giggled. 

"Are you new here?" She asked after she asked after she regained her voice from I'm assuming my brother being so close to her.

Poor girl. She didn't even stand a chance.

"Yupp," He replied still smirking. "And that means that I'll get to see you again real soon." He said and winked and she she blushed.

Her friends giggled again. And they all scurried off before Andy could do anymore damage.

"Andy!" I scolded. "She's just an innocent girl!" And I hit him across his chest.

Andy just laughed as Tyrone turned around to talk to the receptionist. 

"Those are the good ones." Andy said as Tyrone handed us our new schedules. 

"You are awful - and your gonna pay for it one day." I warned him. I started thinking up ways to prank him. I hadn't done that in a while sense Tyrone and I would always do it together and sense we haven't been together in so long we haven't done it for a while.

I'd talk to Ty about it later.

Then we started walking so Tyrone could show us where our lockers were. We dropped Andy off first - and we found that we had History together. But I was happy that we got one class together. We usually did have at least ONE class together and we would always sit next to each other. Even though he can be a real ass he was my brother and he was uber smart so he always helped me with my studies.

I didn't get dropped off anywhere because my locker was right next to Ty's. We had a bunch of classes together. English, Math, Art, P.E, and Homeroom. We just didn't have History or Biology together.

I was putting my bag into my locker when a four people came up to us. Two girls and two boys.

"Hey Tyrone." One of them said. Tyrone turned around and greeted all of them.

He then introduced me. "Guys this is Nichole, Nichole this my group of friends." I smiled at them.

"Nicki or Nick for short." I smiled.

The boys immediately introduced themselves first, fighting briefly on who would shake my hand first. I inwardly laughed.

"Hey, I'm Ethan," Said the tall built one with short brown hair holding his hand out while the other one groaned. "Nice to meet you." 

"Same here." I smiled back.

"I'm--" The other one, who was also tall and built but he had long blonde hair. 

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