Love Me. . . .If You Dare (2)

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"What are you doing here?!" I asked excitedly after we pulled away from each other and wiped our eyes from the tears we just shed together. "I wasn't supposed to see you until tomorrow!"

"Well," He shrugged, sitting down on my bed. I fallowed him and sat criss cross. "I just thought ti would be a nice surprise. I'm glad that Andy didn't ruin it for you, though. You and I both know that he talks. . . .a lot." He said the last part with a chuckle. The same chuckle that it fells like I haven't heard in ages.

"Well, I'm really glad you came." I said with a wide grin.

He grinned back and then he eyed the cardboard box I had dropped next to the balcony. He gave a questioning look.

"Oh, it's just a few of my summer clothes. As you know, winter here is nothing like the winter back home." I answered for him. I got up and headed over to the box.

I took out a pair of dark wash denim short-shorts and a a loose dark grey tank. I started changing out of my sweat pants and sweatshirt because at this point I just couldn't wait to get the extra pieces of clothing the hell off of me!

But I didn't mind Tyrone being there. I've always been comfortable with him. And I knew that he would never try anything. if I already didn't have Andy as a twin, I would say that Tyrone and I were twins separated at birth - but Andy was my brother and Tyrone was my best friend. My real other half. 

I was trying to get the undershirt I had on off of me but it got stuck around my arms over my head. I tried to squirm out of it, but it just made the situation worse.

"Ty?" That was the nickname I have used for Tyrone sense we were toddlers. 

I could just here the smirk in his voice when he said, "Need some help there?"

I rolled my eyes. "What do you think Einstein? Get me outta this!"

He got up and helped me pull it off to where I was now only in my bra and panties. But like I said, I never cared with Ty.

I put on my shorts and tank but the tank was really loose so I just took the ends and made a knot in rigt over my belly button. Normally I would have been worried about people seeing me with a shirt that looked like it was cut half way down, but I was unpacking and moving boxes so I didn't really care.

"Do you really have to dress like that?" Ty groaned.

"I'm hot. What's the problem?" I told him in 'duh' voice.

"That IS the problem." He mumbled. But I heard him loud and clear and I toppled over laughing as hard as I could. was this some kinda joke? I knew that I was like pretty - but only 'pretty' in the way of average. Not like SUPER pretty. 

"Stop laughing. You have always been no oblivious to your looks and you are going to get yourself into trouble that way." He used his stern voice. He rarely ever used the tone with me - so I knew he wasn't just joking. 

I nodded slowly. Feeling like a little kid being caught taking cookies out of the jar.

"Whatever, I'm not going to have this argument with you right now. We have a lot of unpacking to do. We'll talk about this some other time." He said and walked grumpily out of the room.

We started to make our way downstairs after I slipped on my white flip-flops. 

I knew he was mad about something. . . .but it couldn't have been what I'm wearing. . . .could it? No, he must have been mad about something else. 

I decided to let it go and try to lighten up the mood.

"So how's Britney?" I asked him. Britney was the last girlfriend Tyrone had told me about. I even got to meet her last month. She seemed ok - if you don't count big stick up her ass for being so bitchy. Pardon my french.

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