Love Me. . . .If you Dare (4)

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Heyyy, i already posted Chapter three out today. But I'm bored, so I thought why not just upload another one?

So here is Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it.

There is a little of inappropriate content in this Chapter so just be aware of that. If your not into that - I do not suggest reading this Chapter. Just a warning.

On with da story!


"YOU WHAT?!" I yelled. Once again everyone turned to me but I just glared at them and they turned away.

"I. Live. With. Him." Jake enunciated each word.

I turned to Tyrone who looked like he had just been told that he would die in twenty-four hours which actually might happen now when I get my hands on him.

"Is this true?" I asked - anger seething from me.

"I-I tried to tell you last night...." He said guiltily. 

"Why didn't you try harder!?" I scolded.

"Because you said you wouldn't judge!" He answered.

"Why? Why does he live with you!?" I demanded.

Jake answered this one. "My parents always travel and they don't trust me in my house alone so I've been staying at Tyrone's house for about a year now. And I'm not THAT bad." Jake said with a mock pout. 

"Oh, yes you are." I growled.

The warning bell sounded then telling us that next class would start in five minutes.

I got up with a groan and grabbed my bag and trash and headed for the exit of the lunchroom. I tossed my trash into the bin on my way out.

"Hey!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see like five girls chasing after me. What the hell?

"Yes?" I asked, I didn't mean for it to sound rude.

"Did you really just talk to Jake Hunter?" One of them asked.

"I guess." I said "Look, I really have to go to class. Sorry." And fast-walked to biology.

I was the first one there. I picked a seat in the back - I've always sucked at science. The tables were set up to fit two people each.

Others started to file in soon after that. I leaned back and closed my eyes trying to calm down my temper.

I then heard the chair next to me scratch the floor and opened my eyes to see the one and only Jake sit next to me with a smirk.

I glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Biology class, how about you?" He rolled his beautiful eyes.

"Bite me." I growled. 

"Don't tempt me, sweetheart." He whispered in my ear hungrily. Creepy much?

"Gross!" I yelled and pushed him away.

He laughed. And went to lean back in his seat.

"You're an ass." I grumbled. 

"You have a nice one." He replied instantly with a wide smirk.

"Fu--" I was about to say 'fuck you' when the teacher came in and interrupted me. This made Jake laugh to himself. 

The teacher asked me to introduce myself and I did. All the guys undressed me with their eyes. It was a little uncomfortable. And, of course, all the girls shot me glares of jealousy. 

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