Chapter 19- Farm House

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So I don't really feel like doing much of the rest of the movie so the ending of this will be soon. I'm still going to do most of the Avengers movie but I'm also going to edit some scenes and just not include others. And Pietro is going to live.

As we entered the small open area I took note of everything I could. From the way the place smelled and how it felt.

The wood underneath me seemed to be cut recently and wasn't by a powertool.

"I got this recently and kept it off SHIELD's database." Clint said as he unlocked the door.

"There's a spare bedroom upstairs." Clint said moving Natasha upstairs.

Going inside I followed Clint after he put a hand on my shoulder and I could tell it was a sort of, 'follow me' gesture so as I went up the steps I counted until I almost tripped because the stairs ended.

"You ok?" Clint asked

I nodded and put my hand against the wall feeling the smooth texture underneath my hand, "This is a house I got for us." Clint told me.

I was amazed and kept outlining certain things. My hand felt through because the wall wasn't there anymore and I could tell Clint stopped, "That's your room. Go check it out." Clint said

Nodding in mostly shock I stepped into the room and took off my shoes and socks to feel the carpet beneath my feet. It wasn't overly stiff but wasn't too soft either.

I trailed the walls with my hand and almost stubbed my toe in the dresser and what was cool was that right by the handle to open the draw was a sign that had braille on it.

Tracing the dots I made out, shorts, pants, underwear, and the bottom drawer, shoes.

Opening the shorts I felt that there was already some in there and pushed it back into the drawer. Feeling the wall once more I found the closet and felt that it already had shirts in it. Picking up a shirt I felt that it also wasn't too soft and not too hard. Just right ultimately and I felt pleased and surprised by the thoughtfulness.

I found a desk that had an area for pencils, pens, rulers, stabler, scissors, and other things I may need for school.

There was also a set of binders and notebooks that had braille on them for the subject and I was surprised once more.

I heard the Avengers downstairs talk but I didn't pay to much attention as I found my bed. The sheets seemed to be cool as I pretty much flopped onto the bed and sunk into it but not too much. The pillow was nice and it felt really nice.

Moving my hand as I felt a hard surface I realized there was a night table and felt around it, there was a lamp I probably didn't need to use and what seemed to be an alarm clock.

I felt the bed shift as a furry figure jumped onto it and started to lick my face. What was also in the closet was a nice sized dog bed and some toys in a box for Jack.

Laying back down I noticed how tired I was. Moving because Jack started to crawl over to cuddle I smiled and let him as I started to fall asleep.

I woke up and felt the difference in air temperature and how much heat I was getting from the sun and decided that it was late in afternoon.

I rubbed my eyes removing the crust I felt around them and shifted. I felt Jack look up and then jump off the bed as I moved.

I put my hands over the clock and found that it was an old fashion clock that I could feel the number and the arrow it was at. It was very helpful.

Setting it down after I knew the time I moved and felt the stiffness in my shoulders and rolled them before putting my shoes on and then put my hand on the wall and started heading downstairs carefully.

I heard Fury's voice talking to the Avengers it seemed and didn't really pay attention as Clint handed me some dinner.

Thanking him I set at the table and listened but was distracted by Natasha talking to me as we made conversation about the house.

After I finished I put the dinner plate in the sink and made my way outside where I just felt around and got use to the different smells and terrain.

After what seemed like a few hours Clint called me back in and took my upstairs.

As he tucked me in said, "Listen.  The Avengers and I are going to try and stop Ultron. In the meantime someone who specializes with taking care of blind kids is going to watch over you. Her name is Laura and she's a friend of mine."

Knowing that I can't somehow weasel my way into going I sighed and shifted until I felt the EMP I made earlier and handed it to Clint, "It's a small EMP, it might come in handy but it only can do 50 yards." I said

"That's very thoughtful of you." Clint said kissing me on the head, "Now, off to bed."

Huffing a bit I snuggled back into the sheets but before Clint could go I gave him a surprise hug, "Be careful." I said

I felt his face tightened a bit in a smile and I relaxed, "I will do my best." he promised

Nodding in satisfaction I was underneath the covers once more and felt Jack at my feet already starting to snore a bit.

"Goodnight dad." I mumbled as I felt Clint leave the room.

"Night Percy." Clint said in amusement as I heard the door shut.

Laying there for a few seconds before making my way toward a window I felt earlier I shoved it upward and went back into bed listening to the crickets chirping.

Blind Percy Jackson with the Avengers {No Gods/Greek Mythology}  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now