Chapter 9- Scared of the Truth

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3/28/15 R.I.P Nipper Perry 12:54 P.M a great dog who lived until she was 16 and sadly had to be put down hope you live in peace Nipper.

Clint's P.O.V

It's been about three days and Percy doesn't need his wheelchair not that it let him down he was very mischievous with getting what he wants. Like giving a puppy-dog look to Thor to have some of his poptarts.

Fury was coming by today to see how everyone was doing, don't let anyone else hear this but I think Fury likes Percy.

After the time in his wheelchair he has been hopping around a lot just expanding some energy that he had to bottle up from being kept up into a chair.

I think the 'Science-bros' had enough when they exclaimed together, "Can we take Percy to the park or something we are trying to work!" I have to say I laughed pretty hard.

Just then Percy started to run down the hall fast and heard some heavier footsteps coming and found that they were of Tony Stark who was covered in glitter by-the-way making everyone laugh...hard.

Bruce was coming down the hallway not long after with an underlying tone of amusement. I look back over to Tony when I hear laughter come from there.

"Why you little squirt you just had to dump a whole bottle of glitter on me didn't you?" I started to laugh really hard into my head only have a smirk on my face, it explains the glitter so much.

Percy was still laughing his head off as he was being tickled by Tony and ended up on the floor still being tickled.

We heard the elevator open but didn't pay much attention to it but apparently Percy did as he said, "Fury help me, Tony's killing me!" he said struggling to hold in his laughs and escape Tony.

Tony leaned away from the kid and sat on the back of his heels as Percy got up quite fast and sprinted to Fury who he hid behind his leg clutching onto it.

Director Fury looked down to the kid that was between his legs and picked him up trying to keep his face emotionless but I could see a small smile, I looked over to Natasha and saw that she also held a small smile too.

"Well what do you want me to do about that?" Fury asked the 8 year old boy who was looking thoughtful until, "I don't know?" with a shrug of his shoulders making us laugh slightly with amusement.

Tony was trying to get some of the glitter out while Fury sat Percy back down as he ran toward the elevator while we went to the meeting room.

Percy's P.O.V

After Fury put me down I ran toward the elevator, you see I want to tell them something but I'm afraid to.

Truth is that I can feel vibrations in the air (Think of it as a demigod power for water is in the air, trying to get some sort of power in that will help keep some action) I can feel when the elevator opens, the TV when it's on, the microwave, and other things. I also have good reflexes.

You see Gabe was really mad at losing me for he and his 'friends' were part of this thing where abnormal kids go and get 'tested' meaning they inject something in them that make them abnormal.

For me have a really good reflexes even when I'm blind, the other kids were jealous of me because they said I was the people's 'favorite' that is what they didn't get. I didn't want to be their favorite.

I remember some of the things they made me do, trying to push my abilities. I have some control over the water, like I can feel them. I did research and found that, that's why I can feel things. Water is in the air as a gas.

After I left Gabe I left that life and made a new one. Even Jake is different than normal dogs. Jake is a German Shepard and is Tyson's dog but when Gabe put me in that program they injects Jake with something that makes him similar to me.

He has some control over water but not much, he also knows exactly where I am. The only reason he didn't lead the Avengers to me was because he had to be subtle and they thought he was just emotional.

I feel like if I tell the Avengers they would want to test me, think I'm a freak, and Clint might not want me. I know that these are all 'ifs' but they are very good 'ifs'.

I really like Clint and don't want him to go away, I want to go to sleep every night with him tucking me in and maybe just maybe have Natasha as a mum. I see the way they act, I'm a lot smarter than they give me credit for.

I grew up without love only having my mum and short period of my dad. I need a family and I'm scared that if I tell them then they wouldn't accept me and use me just like 'them'.

I hope you like this I figured I can create some action and have Percy use some water powers is that a good idea or no? Anyway what I plan is him meet his 'creators' with the Avengers and create some action blah blah blah. Sorry for not updating for awhile...  

Blind Percy Jackson with the Avengers {No Gods/Greek Mythology}  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now