Chapter 16- Age of Ultron Introduction

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Going to do Age of Ultron some things are going to be different than the movie, for one is Clint's family.


Clint's P.O.V

When I woke up Percy was still asleep, his head on my arm and cuddling me. I kissed the top of Percy's head and looked to Natasha who looked at me and smiled.

I kissed her and she got out of bed. Jarvis whispered, "Avengers we have located Loki's scepter."

I shifted in a way to make sure Percy stayed asleep and got out of bed. "Thanks Jarvis." Natasha whispered

"No problem." Jarvis whispered.

We both quickly got dressed and before leaving the room I said to Jarvis, "When Percy wakes tell him we will be right back and to not worry."

"Yes sir." Jarvis replied. I looked at Percy once more then quickly left the room.

On our way out we went to the plane and the other Avengers met us there. "What took you two so long, normally you beat us, mostly me." Tony said

"Percy slept in my room last night." I said vaguely and went onto the plane before anyone else could comment.

Percy's P.O.V during them leaving

I woke up and both Clint and Natasha were gone. I had to say I was really sad that they weren't here. That's when Jarvis said, "Sir and Madame went away with the others for mission, they will be back shortly and were sorry to leave you."

I sighed and said a thanks. Getting up I went to my room and got dressed. Taking Jack to the glass living room I went and sat on the couch bored.

Then I remembered I had some books in my backpack and went to it and got them out, the books were about the oceans and some subjects that are normally taught in school.

Even though I was blind I was still advance in some of the subjects, one or two grades above what my age is learning.

I was reading when I heard a pop of sorts. I tensed and got a knife from the kitchen and hid it in my sleeve but ready to throw or cut someone.

"Who's there." I stretched my senses out and before the hand went on my shoulder I turned and punched the person.

I heard a small crack of a noise and what sounded like a curse in another language, "I didn't know you would act that way." A familiar voice said.

I took my a second to realize that it was the Loki who didn't let Gabe hit me. I lowered my hand where he could take it. He slowly took it and I helped him up.

"What are you doing here, the Avengers don't like you." I said moving to the kitchen where some bar stools were.

"I wanted to check in with you. Found out you got kidnapped once more but from the same people. Who do you think told Shield where to find you?"

I 'looked' at him and then I did something that surprised him, I hugged him, tightly. "Thank you so much." my voice muffled in his cloths.

I let go of him soon after and I could tell the god was still taken back from the hug. Jack came over and licked Loki's hand in thanks.

Loki looked at Jack and started to pet him a bit, "Why did you help us?" I asked, as far as I know Loki doesn't like the Avengers and he only just met me. Why would he help me?

"Honestly, I don't know myself but if you need any help just let me know. I feel as if you're an amazing child that has a bad history." Loki said. Then he stopped petting Jack.

"I need to go the Avengers are coming." he said

I looked sad and grabbed him at the last second, "Why did you do all that, with the tesseract and stuff. Why did you mind control Clint?" I asked

He looked down to me and took his arm out of my hand slowly and instead held my hand and got down on my level, "I wasn't exactly in my right mind, I was also being mind controlled from an evil alien who wants to take over the world. I'm sorry for what I did to Clint and I do hope I can make it up to him at some point. But right now it's too soon." He said starting to stand up

I looked to him and waved. Once he disappeared I went back to my book and acted as f nothing happened. Couple minutes later the Avengers came back.

I looked up from the book I was focusing on and put my book aside as I heard Steve move someone to a healing area where Bruce's assistant is, "Where's Clint?" I asked Natasha who came over to me

"He got hurt but nothing serious, don't worry about it he's getting all fixed up." Natasha said, I could tell she was telling the truth by the way she said her words.

After hearing many people talk I learned how to tell if someone was lying to me or not. Many people lie every day, either on the phone or selling a product it's just sad.

No matter how good someone is at lying to someone I could always tell. It was cool but I kept it to myself, even Fred didn't know.

I nodded to Natasha as she led me to Clint. When I went into the room I heard a machine going and some other things I couldn't pinpoint happening.

But by the way the water particles in the air moved I could tell something was happening to Clint's skin on his torso. I looked at him and waited for the machine to be done with whatever it was doing.

When I heard the machine turn off I heard some rustling and I felt some arms around me, Clint's arms. I instantly hugged him back and muffled a, "don't scare me like that please."

He kissed the top of my head and picked me up to my protest and put me on his shoulders. He was holding onto my hands as he lead me to the glass living room.

"We have a party in 3 days and you are attending, don't worry it is here in the tower." Clint said picking me up once more and dropping me onto the couch and attacked me with tickles.

My giggles were heard throughout the tower.

I hope you guys are enjoying this so far  

Blind Percy Jackson with the Avengers {No Gods/Greek Mythology}  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now