C h a p t e r 5

44 5 3

I groan. It must have been something I ate for lunch.

"Charley are you okay?" Cassie's voices rings through my ears.

"Yeah I'm fine, must have just been something I ate" I explain as I flush the toilet. I walk over to the sink and rinse my mouth out.

"Do I look okay?" I ask.

"Honestly, you look like shit. Your face is so pale."

I sigh. Cassie puts her arm around me, "come on. We'll round up the boys and get back to the hotel."

We return to the table and all eyes fall to us. "We have to get going. Charley is sick."

The boys don't argue or really say anything. They just nod and follow us out while Beau pays on behalf of us all.

We drive back to the hotel, the driver going around to the back so we wouldn't have to face interacting fans. I insisted that it was completely fine, I'd just go straight inside, but Beau refused.

I stepped out of the van and quickly made my way inside and over to the elevator. The others were a bit behind, but I could feel that funny feeling again and as soon as that elevator opened I pressed the level needed so I could get there fast.

I ran down the hallway to the room and swiped the key Jai had decided to give me. I threw my stuff on the ground and ran into the bathroom to throw up once again.

Whatever it was that I ate, defiantly was not agreeing with me in the slightest.

Suddenly my hair was being pulled from my face and my back was being rubbed as I threw up once more.

I expected the person to be Cassie or maybe Beau, but it turned out to be Jai.

Complete and utter shock there.

"Are you done?" He asks. I slightly nod. He passes me some tissues to wipe my mouth and then flushes the toilet and sprays some bathroom spray to clear the bad smell.

I get up from the floor and go to the sink to rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth free from the smell.

I walk out of the bathroom. "You alright?"

"I think so" I reply and sit on the lounge.

The room goes silent but I break that. "Didn't expect you you be helping me."

"Yeah surprises all round." He says, "But I suppose I'm not some sick fuck that's not gonna help someone that's sick. I was actually raised better than that."

"Look how about you change into some pjs and then get into the bed and I'll get you some water and a bucket?"

I nod okay and stand up to retrieve my pjs. I change in the bathroom and the return to the room, following Jai's instructions and getting into bed.

He puts a glass of water in the bedside table, along with a Panadol. Jai then started looking high and low for a bucket, but couldn't find one.

"Honestly Jai, it's fine. If I need to throw up again, I'll just run to the bathroom." I said.

"And what if you don't make it there? Then I'll have to clean up the mess." He replies, rolling his eyes.

"If it's that much of a hassle I'll clean it up."

He shakes his head, "No, no it's easier if we just get a bucket so we don't have to worry too much."

Jai ended up calling service for a bucket.

"Thank you" he says to the woman who came with the bucket. He walks over to the bed and places it next to me.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks.

The love story that wasn't plannedWhere stories live. Discover now