C h a p t e r 3

65 8 1

I pound on the hotel door, waiting for Jai to open. It was now my mission to find out what the hell was going on and what no one else could tell me. 

"Jai! Open the freaking door!" I yell, still hitting hardly on the door. I get no response, which gets me really pissed off. 

"Jai, I swear I will break this stupid door down!" I hit the door hard one more time. 

"Now that would be fun to see" A voice says from behind me. 

My cheeks turn a pink colour when I learn the voice belonged to Jai. "I thought you were inside." I mumble. 

He laughs, "Clearly." 

I roll my eyes, "Just hurry up and open the door." 

"You know, boys don't like girls who are bossy." he says as he slips the key card into the slot. 

"Funny. Girls don't like boys who are assholes." I agure back as I follow Jai inside the hotel room. 

Jai laughs in amusement and sits on the bed. "So where'd you go after I didn't let you in?" 

"Out with Cassie. We ran into some fans outside the hotel. They asked me some questions like why didn't you tell them we were dating and how long we had been dating." 

"What did you say?" Jai curiously asks, "Just so I know what to say if I get asked." 

"I said that you didn't want to hurt them or me and that we had been dating for two months." I explain. 


The room falls silent and I drop onto the couch. "So Jai, what's your previous love life like?"

"Brilliant. All girls love me, so why wouldn't it be good." he smiles. It almost seemed faked.

"All you do is use girls, how can you be proud of that?"

"Charley, get over it. All boys want what they want. Some want love, some want a fling. Love is fucked. Why let something into your life that will just hurt you?" he folds his arms and shrugs, "It's pointless."

"You don't get it do you? You make girls feel good for about 3 seconds and then not even bother with them."

"They seem to like it" he says.

"You're actually pathetic" I mumble.

"Go on then. Tell me what it's like to have a perfect relationship Charley!" he snaps.

I stay quiet. I had never really been in a relationship before. "I-I I've never been in one..."

Jai scoffs, "And here you are telling me about how to be in a relationship."

"Jai, I'm a girl. I know all about girls and how they feel." I roll my eyes.

"I know exactly what it's like to be in love Charley! It sucks! It absolutely sucks! You fall so hard for someone and then they just wreck you!" he yells.

He gets up and walks over to me, looking me straight in the eye, "So don't fucking tell me about love and that I'm pathetic for using girls even though I'm the one who got hurt."

I swallow a breathe instead of letting it out. Jai storms out of the room, leaving me completely speechless. What happened that made him like this?

Soon the door bursts open again, making me clutch my chest in fright. It was Beau.

"What just happened?"

"Um Jai just got really mad cause I was telling him he shouldn't use girls the way he does."

Beau sighs and walks over to me, sitting down beside me. "Since it seem's that Jai isn't going to tell you, I will."

Beau takes a deep breath, "A few years ago, Jai fell in love with a girl called Clara. She was an amazing girl. Everyone loved her. Everyone except herself. You see, she was depressed. Jai knew she was depressed, but he never knew she was suicidal. She hid it very well."

He pauses and takes another breath before continuing, "One night, she was at the lowest of lows and Jai just thought it was another depression episode. He stayed with her the whole night. He woke up and she wasn't lying next to him. He got up and found her lifeless in the bathroom."

My breath hitched, "Sh-she killed herself?"

Beau slowly nods, "It took him so long to get over it. He blamed himself for it all. Then, last year he changed and started using girls just so he could feel something. Anything that could make him feel like Clara made him feel."

I breathe out a breath I was unaware I was holding and Beau speaks again, "Charley, you gotta go talk to him. I know he's not your favourite person, but it's now your job. This isn't him. Maybe you can change him."

I sigh. How could I change him when I can't even go near him without an argument forming?

* *

A few hours later, Jai came back. It was dark now, he had been gone for what felt like forever.

I was sat on the bed, patiently waiting for him to come through the door. When he did, I was expecting him to be drunk, but he seemed completely sober.

"Where'd you go?" I ask quietly.

"Just for a walk." He replies, shrugging.

"For 5 hours?"

"What do you care Charley?" He growls.

"Sorry.." I mumble.

His face falls soft and he sighs, "I'm going to have a shower."

"Beau told me about Clara" I blurt out, but I didn't regret it. He needed to talk.

I watch as his fists clenched tightly, "I thought you were gonna drop the subject, Charley."

"Jai, it's okay to be upset. I understand" I said, knowing exactly how it felt to lose someone close to you.

He turns around, "Charley, drop it." he grumbles.

"No Jai. I need to understand."

"What's there to understand Charley? She killed herself! What more do you need!? She's not coming back and she never will. If you think you can help me, you can't. I vowed to myself I would never fall in love again, and I won't. Not with any other girl and especially not with you."

Just like that, Jai stormed off into the bathroom, locking the door. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, falling back onto the bed. I layed there and let my thoughts flow for a good 10 minutes.

I sat up and decided to change into my pyjamas. I unfolded the sofa bed and grabbed a spare blanket, placing it on top of me. I tapped away on my phone, sending a goodnight text to my mum. I scrolled through twitter, finding thousands of photos of me and Jai at the airport earlier on. I sighed and switched my phone off. The hotel room was dark, only light found was coming from the lamp on the other side of the room.

I heard the bathroom door unlock so I rolled over and faced the wall. Footsteps were heard, along with a sigh.

"Charley, I'm sorry." Jai said. I tightly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

He sigh again before walking away. A few shuffles were heard and then the sound of the lamp being turned off.

I let my thoughts rest and drifted to sleep. 


People wanted an update? Lol okay. 

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