C h a p t e r 4

58 7 1

My eyes adjust to the light sprouting through the curtain and I sit up slowly. I let out a yawn while I look around the room. Jai wasn't in bed. I sigh, and step out of bed and walk to the bathroom, switching on the shower.

As I step in, my mind wanders back to last night. I didn't mean to make Jai so upset. I knew it was a touchy subject, but I didn't mean for him to get that mad.

My shower comes to an end and I carefully step out, trying not to fall. I dry myself off and wrap the towel around me, looking for my clothes.


I left my clothes outside. I sigh and remember that Jai wasn't in. I unlock the bathroom door and go through to the hotel room. I see Jai.


He was topless and had his headphones on. Clearly he'd just been to the gym. I try to be as quiet as possible so I didn't catch his attention. I crouch down to my suitcase, ensuring the towel wrapped around my body we tightly held, and looked for some clothes.

"Charley?" Jai's voice rings through my ears. Fantastic. "Didn't know we were already at the naked stage." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

I pick up my clothes and roll my eyes, turning to face him. "I didn't know you were h-here." I couldn't help but take small glances at his toned body.

He chuckles, "Clearly."

The room goes silent for a minute before I clutch onto my clothes and walk to the bathroom to change.

I change into my grey jeans and white t-shirt, folding the bottoms of the sleeves and pants. I dry my hair and leave it out, before walking back to the main room.

"I think you look better with a towel on" Jai smirks.

"You disgust me" I grab my shoes and quickly put them on before leaving the room.

I hear Jai running after me, "Charley wait."

I turn around and fold my arms, "What?"

"I'm sorry about last night" he apologises.

I roll my eyes and turn back around, taking the elevator down to the breakfast room. I make my way inside and choose some cereal from the breakfast buffet. I pour in some milk and take it over to a table where I find Beau sitting.

"Morning" I smile as I sit beside him.

"Morning." He replies, taking a bite of toast. "I take it Jai wasn't very happy last night?"

I shake my head, "Nope."

Beau sighs, "He will come round."

I nod, not truly believing it, but I just left it to rest.

"So what are the plans for today?" I ask.

"We have a meeting at 11, so we'll be leaving soon. You're more than welcome to come and watch. We shouldn't be long." Beau tells me.

I smile and nod, taking a mouthful of my cereal.

"Oh yeah and we have a show tonight so you obviously gotta come to that!" Beau grins.

"Of course" I smile. My smile drops when Jai comes into sight.

I take a mouthful of cereal, not letting myself be phased by him.

I finish my cereal by the time Jai joins us. "Morning brother" he says to Beau.

"Morning" beau smiles briefly. "Hey we should get going. I told the boys we'd meet them outside the hotel at 10:20."

The love story that wasn't plannedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora