P r o l o g u e

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"Jai Brooks."

The name rang through my head like a thousand pins were being stabbed into my eyes. The irritating player of the celebrity world.

"You want me to work with Jai Brooks?" I question.

"Ahh so you know him! Are you a fan?"

"Of course I know him! And no I am not a fan" I say rather annoyed.

"What might the problem be?"

"He's a player! I'd rather date a rat than that asshole." I mumble the last part and fold my arms, sitting back in my chair.

"Miss Peters, given your attitude, I believe you would be perfect for the job. As you said, Jai can be a bit of an... unpleasant person and I think you are just right to get him back in line."

Was this woman serious? I'd rather eat my own toe than be near him. All the girls see his good looks, but do you not see how much of a player he is? Six girlfriends in two weeks. Um? Tell you anything?

"Miss Peters-"

"Charley is fine" I cut her off.

"Charley. Maybe if I told you a bit more about the job, it might tickle your fancy" Lindsey, The Janoskians manager, says.

"Go for it." I huff.

"The job would consist of you being Jai Brooks' girlfriend for approximately three months- while they are on their U.S tour. As soon as the three months is up, you come back and act as if nothing had happened. You will be paid $1500 per fortnight, as long as you follow the terms and conditions."

"What would the terms and conditions be..?" I curiously ask.

Lindsey grabs a piece of paper and begins to read, "By the end of the three months, you must cheat on Mr Brooks, making it known to the public. You must not tell the public or fans that it is an act, you must stay in character for the whole three months until the act of the cheating. Any type of violation will result in being sued and charged a total of $50,000."

I release a breath that I was unaware I was holding as she finishes reading. I think about it for a second. The furthest I had ever been on holidays was about nine hours out of Sydney. I had always wanted to travel America and the fact that I got paid to do it, sparked something in my mind. Even if I did have to put up with an asshole.

"So Charley, what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Lindsey holds out her hand. I bite my lip for a second, thinking whether I should take the job or not.

I hesitantly take Lindseys hand and shake on it. "Good!" She beams, "Just sign here and you're on your way."

Hi everyone!

So this is an insight into a book I have started working on. Please leave some feedback on whether you think I should continue writing it or not.
If you guys don't like it, I'll upload something else I've been working on. Please guys give me feedback!

- Sarah xo

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