Chapter 14

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I don't own anything, Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling do.


I knew it! They are hiding something, and I've got to know what! I was obviously on the right track, judging by what they said, but that would be impossible! Harry, Ron and I had parted ways after the American's went up to their beds, Annabeth going up there as well, which was not only weird, but against the rules. I'll have to ask Harry or Ron tomorrow where they were sleeping.

Now as I lay in bed, listening to the other girls in my dorm sleep, I ran my suspicions through my head again.

I knew they were Greek, and that they had an obvious religion. They have strangely fitting nicknames for each other, and they all seem too perfect to be real. Their classes were strange to say the least, and I hadn't actually seen any of them use magic yet. Nico got horrifically bad nightmares, and Will was the only one able to calm him down. PTSD perhaps?

Then came the big question. What were they? They weren't wizards or witches that's for sure. They can't be muggles, or squibs, as they would at least know something about the wizarding world if they were, and they seem surprised by everything. I remember on a trip to Greece and Italy I went on last year with my parents, we learnt about Greek and Roman gods. Percy looked an awful lot like the Poseidon statues and his nickname I heard Annabeth throw around in class was 'Seaweed Brain,' which meant it would fit for him. They all seemed to resemble gods in different ways, now I come to think of it.

If I had to pair them each with a god or goddess, I would say Will was Apollo, Annabeth was Athena or Artemis, and Nico was Hades. That would explain his aura of death at least. But, I remember catching a glimpse of something dark on Percy's forearm, and If I didn't know better, I would have assumed he was a death eater. But I only saw a trident like shape, a line and two letters, - Q and R. I guessed there was more to that tattoo, but even then, it looked like it was burned into his skin. Now if I recall correctly, S.P.Q.R is the Roman motto-like thing, and he had half of it burned into his skin, another Roman-like thing.

Okay, so I'm assuming Percy was Roman. A demigod. Son of Neptune, or the god himself. It wouldn't surprise me, especially with the air of power that seemed to surround him. Well, to be honest, all of them did. They've got to be gods, or at least their children. We've got to corner them tomorrow and interrogate them, I'm sure I can swipe some Veritaserum from Snape's private store or something.

But now I need sleep, I've got heaps of classes I'd like to pass in tomorrow.


I woke up in Percy's arms, glad that we hadn't been plagued by night terrors this time. I shifted slightly in his grip, and he opened his eyes sleepily, looking down at me.

"Hey Wise Girl," Percy said, and dam, that morning voice though.

"Morning Seaweed Brain," I replied softly, snuggling down next to him.

"We don't have classes today. To teach at least," I mumbles. Percy yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

"How do you feel about an early breakfast?"


Now that I was dressed and ready to go, Percy and I walked through the portrait, shuffling over to Nico's bed. I could see Will with half of the covers thrown off him, and Nico who was curled up in a ball next to Will, who had an arm draped over him protectively. I felt a smile grow on my face and the strange urge to jump up and down while squealing like and Aphrodite kid because it was just so adorable.

Will shifted slightly and opened his eyes, scanning the room, before focusing on us.

"Oh, hey guys. Any particular reason you were watching us sleep?" He asked, sleep evident in his voice.

"Na, we were just going down to breakfast though, if you wanted to join," Percy suggested.

"Uh, sure. I'll go with you. I don't think Nico will though..."

"I won't what?" Nico asked, blinking as he lifted his head and looked around. He reminded me of a little kitten. A little death kitten. Gods I've got to tell Will that one later.

"I'm going down to breakfast Death Boy, you can stay here and sleep. I'll be back in about ten minutes or something like that," Will said, kissing Nico's forehead as Nico muttered something I couldn't hear, before turning around and promptly falling asleep again.

Will smiled, jumping up so he could get dressed quickly.

*Mini Timeskip*

We walked down the stairs to the great hall together as Percy and Will talked together about camp. I turned around so I could walk and talk to them at the same time, when I saw their eyes widen in terror, and Percy shouted my name, trying to get to me as I heard someone shout something that sounded like Latin, and I was hit in the square of my back, falling forward and losing consciousness.

I woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. I could sense Percy next to me, and see Will as he had begun glowing. I heard someone yell again, the same voice, and I passed out.


I'm back!

Soooooo yup.

Should I do a Q and A thing?

So vote, comment and share guys, remember, I love your comments!

So, Peace out doods!

- K

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