Chapter 1

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I don't own any characters or setting in this story. They belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.




"What do you mean another quest?!" Will yelled, slamming his hands down on his desk. I gulped, suddenly nervous. I had never seen Will this angry before. I watched as a pencil, upset by the vibrations of the table, began to roll towards the edge.

"I mean come on! You literally just healed from that shadow jump across the world! And Chiron wants you to go on another quest?! Unbelievable!" Will muttered, now pacing around the room, tugging at his hair. The pencil I had trained my eyes upon, rolled closer and closer to the edge of the table. Will turned and stood behind the desk again, gripping the edges of the table so hard his knuckles looked white.

"So run this by me again. You have to go on a quest, to England, by yourself? Th-Oh!" Will made a wild grab at the pencil I had been watching, just as it rolled of the table. I tried to grab it as well, and I heard the pencil clatter to the ground as Will's hand covered mine on the side of the desk. I blushed furiously, and leant over to pick up the pencil, trying to clear my face of emotion before I made a reappearance. Will blinked a couple of times as I gently placed the pencil back on the table.

"Um, so you are um, going on a quest?" Will asked, a blush creeping up his neck as he got flustered. I nodded and began to drum my fingers against my thigh to a song.

"Yes, I have to go to England and look after this boy, Harry Potter or something. Also Chiron dropped on me that there are wizards?! Mind you, I guess I have to believe it because my dad, and pretty much entire life, is supposed to be a myth -" I could hear thunder rumbling outside, and I decided to cut my losses and stop talking. I did not want to get fried today. Will also glanced nervously at the ceiling, before turning his gaze back to me.

"Well I want to go with you! Doctors orders death boy," Will said. I didn't even bother to protest anymore. That boy could be as stubborn as a mule sometimes! I shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

"Well then, lets go to the big house sunshine, and lets try and convince Chiron to let you go."

*Mini Timeskip*

"Chiron, I need to go on this quest! I gotta look after Nico! Do you know how often he manages to hurt himself? Not to mention, his memories of that place. Do you remember what happened last time he got a nightmare? The entire camp was almost destroyed! I'm one of the only ones who can calm him down, I have to go!" Will yelled. I could hear quiet murmuring from the other room, before the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and footsteps getting louder as someone walked towards the door I was currently pressed up against, trying to listen to the conversation between Will and Chiron.

I scrambled back to my chair on the other side of the room I was in, and tried to look inconspicuous. The door flew open seconds later, and Will exited, looking extremely pleased with himself, Chiron following behind him in wheelchair mode. I raised one eyebrow at Will, who had his arms spread wide and a blinding smile on his face, as if he expected me to jump up and tackle him in a hug.

"I did it! I'm going on the quest with you! We leave in a week!" Will said, still blinding me with his smile. I sighed quietly in relief, and stood up.

"Well that's great, should I like, get re-" I was cut off as Will took two big strides towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I stiffened, my face heating up as I was crushed against his warm body. Will let go of me soon enough, and Chiron was still standing behind Will, a familiar twinkle in his eyes.

"Gods, you're freezing death boy! Is your circulation okay? How are you feeling? Do you feel sick or -" I raised one hand, silencing him effectively.

"I'm fine Will. I'm always cold. Um, Chiron, I'll sort info and stuff out tomorrow okay? I'm exhausted." And with that, I stepped into the shadows and let a small smile appear on my face as I heard Will shouting about how I shouldn't shadow travel so much, before I emerged in the corner of my cabin.

I got changed quickly, and snuggled under my covers, hoping I wouldn't have a nightmare for once.


Hey guys!

How was the first chapter?

It might take a little while for them to actually get to Hogwarts, but it will happen!

Next chapter up soon,

Peace out!

- K

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