Chapter 5

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I don't own anything, Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling do.



Hermione, Ron and I ran onto the Hogwarts express at the last minute. All of the compartments we walked past were full, and we were beginning to think that we would have to stay in the aisle the entire trip.

"Harry! I found one!" Hermione said, waving me over to where she and Ron were standing. I looked into the room, and saw a guy about 16 with messy blonde hair, and orange t-shirt and blue jeans on, who was looking out of the window while playing with a guy who looked about 15's hair. The boy lying with his head on blondies lap had pale skin and longish black hair that fell in front of his eyes. He wore black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and a aviator jacket over top. He appeared to be asleep.

Hermione knocked on the door and blondie looked up quickly.

"Can we sit here? Everywhere else is full," Hermione asked. He nodded, but held a finger to his lips, telling us to be quiet. I guess the other kid was asleep. We stepped in quietly and sat across from them. I realized the t-shirt blondie was wearing had words on it in a strange language. He had a bead necklace on and bright blue eyes. Hermione coughed a little and spoke up.

"Well, my name's Hermione Granger, this," she pointed to Ron, "is Ron Weasly, and this," she pointed to me, "is Harry Potter." I waited for his eyes to flicker to my scar, and start asking me questions, but blondie just nodded in agreement. Odd, I thought.

"Well I'm Will Solace, and this is Nico di Angelo," he said, indicating to the boy sleeping. I was shocked by his accent, it defiantly wasn't British.

"Um, are you two, er dating?" Hermione whispered. Will's face flushed red. Like bright red. I guess it was a sensitive subject.

"Oh gods no! Nope, no, nadda. He um, fell asleep," he said, shaking his head quickly. Hermione leant back, and I could tell she was thinking.

"I haven't seen you around. Where are you from? Obviously not here, 'cos you have a weird accent," Ron asked, and I mentally groaned.

"Oh, ah America. New York to be exact. We're exchange students," Will replied, stroking, I think his name was Nico's, hair as he shifted in his sleep.

"I didn't know we were housing American exchange students. Or that there were any wizard schools in America," Hermione pointed out. Will looked flustered, and couldn't find an answer. I was getting suspicious.

"We don't release our information to non-students. That is why there will be no records of our school," someone said smoothly. Will looked down at Nico in surprise, and I saw he had woken up. He had dark brown, almost black, eyes. He looked at us, as if identifying us as threats.

"Oh! Nico, you can sit up now if you want," Will said quickly, his hands freezing.

"Well sunshine, I'm quite comfortable here, I didn't plan on getting up," Nico said playfully, and I realized they were flirting with each other, even if they didn't realize it themselves. Will blushed and raised his gaze to us again. I heard Nico whisper something to Will, before closing his eyes, but not sleeping this time. Will grinned and started playing with Nico's hair again.

"What house do you think you're going to be in?" I asked. Will looked at me in surprise. Perhaps he thought I couldn't talk.

"Oh, we are in Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore informed us already," he replied, watching us with interest. I nodded. If they were death eaters, they would be in Slytherin. Will raised one eyebrow at Ron, who probably looked accusing, before he let his head loll forward, and he fell asleep. Nico's breathing got steadier, and I knew he was asleep too. Ron immediately began voicing his suspicions.

"Harry! What if they are death eaters!" Ron hissed, and I had to refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Ron, they aren't death eaters," I replied, slightly annoyed that Ron kept saying that.

"Well, Will might not be, but that bloke Nick," "Nico," I corrected, "Yeah whatever, looks like he could be, and he practically radiates death!" Ron said, still arguing. I could hardly say no though, Nico did radiate a lot of power and darkness. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. Luckily Hermione stepped in to rescue me.

"Ronald, we trust them. Get over it," Hermione said, not looking up from her book.

"What are you doing Hermione?" I asked.

"Um, nothing?" She replied, shutting her book quickly.

"Just leave them alone. No accusations, no looking into their school or lives. Nothing, okay?" I said, tired. Hermione and Ron agreed, somewhat reluctantly. We spent the rest of the trip to Hogwarts in silence.


Hey, I'm back!

Sooooo, Hogwarts next chapter!

Also a HEEEAAAAP of fluff, but you're going to have to wait for that, ;)

Soooo, vote, comment and share guys,

- K

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