Chapter 13

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I don't own anything, Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling do.

Chapter 13

Bold/Italics = Greek


Last time...

"I suggest you leave now," Will said coldly, and the two boys tripped over each other, scrambling for the door.


I spun around so Will and I were chest to chest and my face was centimetres from his.

"I love being called your boyfriend," Will said, leaning down and kissing me gently. I melted into the kiss and twisted my hands in the bottom of his shirt.

"We've got to go to dinner," I said, breaking away from the kiss.

"I know," Will replied softly. I held his hand, melting into the shadows, emerging metres away from the great hall.

"Warn me before you do that!" Will gasped, falling to one knee, clutching his chest dramatically. I pulled him up quickly, (But not before rolling my eyes) and we walked into the crowd of students that had just come from around the corner. We blended into the crowd, hands locked together so we wouldn't get separated.

"And Nico just freaks me out..." I heard someone say, and I silently pulled Will in the direction of my name, eventually ending up behind the trio.

"It's like an aura of death surrounds him! And his boyfriend seems warm to be around. Kind of like a doctor or someone you can trust. They're complete opposites!" I heard Ron exclaim, and The other two nodded in agreement beside him.

"I researched the language they spoke by the way. Turns out it was ancient Greek, a language pretty much dead to the muggle world" Hermione added, hardly looking up from her book.

"The new professors look too good to be true," Harry added.

"I have a theory, it's stupid and unbelievable, but it fits with their auras and nicknames. I'll tell you two after dinner," Hermione said, and my eyes flickered over to Will with worry. We reached the great all, walking in and sitting at the Gryffindor table next to the trio. Percy and Annabeth waltzed in, (Like literally. They were literally waltzing over to the table)giggling and holding hands. I refrained from rolling my eyes, and waited until they sat opposite us.

They quieted immediately , and looked up at the staff table as Dumbledore spoke a little, before food magically, (Literally) appeared on the plates in front of us. I heaped a fair amount on my plate, and got the Greek fire out of a small bag I had carried down. I placed it on the table between us and the other, kicking Percy's shin under the table to get his attention.

"Sacrifices Percy!" I hissed, dumping some of my food into the jar, whispering prayers to Hades and Hecate. The others did the same, praying to their respective parents and Hecate. Ron and Hermione were watching us with horror and fascination written all over their faces, while Harry talked to the boy next to him.

"Why would you burn perfectly good food?!" Ron exclaimed, stuffing food in his mouth while looking at us with wide eyes.

"It's our religion freckles. We're Greek." Percy said, leaning over to join our conversation. Ron leant back, a wide range of emotions flickering across his face before it settled into a scowl. Hermione looked like she was thinking, and I made a mental note to tell the other three, and then confront her about it. We ate peacefully, burning some of our deserts as well, before moving with the hordes of students back to our common room. Percy, Annabeth, Will and I stayed in the common room until it was empty, discussing new classes.

"Hermione's onto us," I said suddenly, feeling the need to blurt it out. Annabeth went into thinking mode immediately. Percy scowled slightly, and I watched his eyes flicker around the room.

"Can we continue our conversation another time? Zeus knows who's listening in, plus I can feel eyes on me," Percy whispered. The back of my neck prickled, and I nodded at him.

"Lets go guys," I said, standing up and kissing Will's cheek shyly. Percy scooped Annabeth into his arms, bridal style, and carried her up to their room. I pulled Will onto my bed next to me, kissing him gently before curling up next to him. I felt him kiss the top of my head and he began to play with my hair, before I fell asleep with a ghost of a smile on my lips.


I'm not dead!


I want to update soon, it's just that it's the last term of school, and I have exams, which are like really important this year, 'cos they determine which class I get into next year, as it is based on academic achievements in all subjects. (Stupid algebra, making maths hard...)

Plus, as I have finished all of the seasons of Sherlock (It's not hard, WHY AREN'T THERE MORE?!) I'm onto season 3 of doctor who, (Tenth doctor. Gods I just really want to touch David Tennants hair, it's so fluffy!) and I've started watching Merlin. So you can blame that for slow updates.

So yeah, um vote, comment and share?

I love love love your comments, so keep 'em coming!

Peace out doods,


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