C.A Cupid: Matchmaker

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Looks: Cupid has pink curly hair with a gold headband that has a heart with an arrow through it. Her wings are white. She has a dress with different shades of pink. The skirt has black at the bottom. C.A also has grey tights and gold shoes with wings. 

Parents Story: I'm not a fairy tale, I'm a myth. 

Birthday: February 14

Star Sign: Aquarius

Favorite Food: Cupcakes made with a whole lotta love!

Roommate: Blondie Locks

Secrets Hearts Desire: While I love guiding people towards their 'special someone' it's about time I include myself in those deserving love. 

My 'magic' touch: Everyone knows my cupid arrow can make a person fall in love, but my real magic is helping people listen to their hearts.  

Storybook Romantic Status: Dexter Charming sets my heart aflutter, but I'm having such a hard time letting him know my true feelings. 

'Oh curses!' moment: I'm such a terrible shot with my bow and arrow. It's so not me. 

Favorite Subject: Mythology. You have to know where you're from before you know where you're going!

Least Favorite Subject: Crownculus. I've said it before and I'll say it again-you can't solve everything with an equation.

Quote: Everyone is so used to following their destinies. They don't know how to follow their hearts. I'm here to change that!

Best Friends Forever After: Apple White, Raven Queen, and everyone between an open heart. 



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