Chapter 1: Percy Jackson

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Edited on: 12/17/19 

Suggested a bit ago by sparkler_reader158

Hello, my name is Percy Jackson and this is my story of how I met the Avengers.

Let me tell you about myself other than my name.

You see, I'm deaf. It's that simple. I was deaf since I was 4 years old. I'm currently 12 years old now and I have come to terms that I won't be able to hear again.

When I was 9 years old, my mother died. On the official report for the police, it said that a drunk person in an alley with a gun killed her, but the nonofficial report was that my stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, actually killed her.

He waited for us to cross an alleyway where no one was and then pulled out a gun and shot her without any hesitation. He somehow got a drunk homeless to take the fall, saying that now he would have somewhere to sleep and have food.

When my mother was shot I made a silent scream, I haven't heard myself talk in for so long that even when I try to form certain words my throat closes up on me and my brain is trying to tell me how to talk but I never feel the vibrations in my throat.

So, I'm deaf and that also means I'm mute (well I want to be mute I didn't have to be). I haven't even tried to talk in so long. Not only was my life miserable in that regard, but I now live with my stepfather who also abuses me.

I would live with my father except for the fact that he was lost at sea. I would be bitter against him but he served this country and that is the thing I remember. I'm proud of my father and what he has done for this country.

I just wished I wasn't living with my stepfather who somehow takes pleasure in hurting me. If I don't read his lips to know what he was saying he would get even angrier and then the punishment was harder.

He often only kicks or hits me, not enough that I needed a doctor for any internal damage or broken bones,  I just end up with a lot of bruises on my torso and occasionally the face.

Because of him I afraid of being touched, anyone touching me and I flinch away instantly. However, there was also the part of me that yearned for it, my mother was the only one that really gave me attention and love.

Every child needs that and now I have no one, enough that my heart yearns for someone who is there for me.

You may think that at school I would be popular and have many friends but the fact is, I'm pretty much a loser. Or at least that's what they think (and sometimes me).

Gabe doesn't want to spend money for me to go to a school for deaf children, so he just sends me to regular school meaning pretty much no one knows sign language and that a lot of the kids are bullies.

If they weren't bullies then they were too afraid to get to know me because of them. A day didn't start for me unless I was either pushed into the ground or a locker. Most of the time both.

Thankfully the teachers knew not the ask me what the answer is on the front board because they just either get very confused or I don't feel like writing on a whiteboard that I was given to answer questions (let's be honest it would suck to have to just carry it around with you all the time).

I hated the damn whiteboard, it was because of that, that everyone knew me at school as 'that deaf kid' that was in their class.

When the teacher wasn't looking I get a paper ball thrown at me or guys messing around like kicking my seat or just flicking me in the back of my head. I get really annoyed and angry but I do nothing.

Why do you do nothing you may ask.

It's because if I get in trouble and Gabe has to come and talk to the principle, I would get a worse punishment at home than at school.

So I try and keep my head down, not answer questions, and try and get through the day mostly intact.

I just wished my mother was here. She makes everything better; Sally Jackson was the greatest woman that ever lived.

I loved her with everything in my heart and she always made my day better, she learned sign language with me and with that we had our own little conversations that no one knew.

She would sneak home treats from her work at the local candy store just to give me that light that existed in the world. The greatest wish I could ever have was to hear her voice. Her voice one last time because as I grew up without hearing, slowly her voice started to go with the memories of what I sounded like.

It was a scary thought and I just wish I could hear it just one last time. So I can always remember it and remember her.

My name is Percy Jackson and this is the story how the walls around my heart were torn down by the Avengers and I found a family again.

One that accepted me and gave me the greatest treasure in the world.

This is my story and it starts like any other day, except it was the day my world changed.  

Deaf Percy Jackson and the Avenger (No Greek Mythology) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now