30 Day Hetalia Challenge (Again...)

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SO yeahs... you're probably bored AF with me doing a ton of challenges, but hey, they're fun! I know I already did this, but a lot can change in almost a year! And new Fnaf update today, so I'm waiting for Markimoo to hurry his butt up and check it out! Edit: He made a video about it *fangirl demented screech* 

1. Favorite Character- 'Murica

2. Least Favorite- I despise Turkey with a burning Passion

3. Character you'd date- America (Obviously)

4. Character you'd go shopping with- Idk I'd drag Prussia just to torture him .3.

5. Character you'd like as your child- Russia (he was so lonely... TnT)

6. Character who would probably be your rival- Even though I love my babu, probably Doitsu because I am the opposite of him...

7. Character you have most in common with- If I'm with my friends- America/If not-Romano

8. Character you look like the most- Lmao legit none

9. Character you'd bring home to your parents- Idk why but I'd say Spain

10. Character you'd never bring home to your parents- Prussia or France e.o

11. Character you'd become besties with- France ;D

12. Character with the best voice- Japanese- Italy/English- Romano

13. Character you'd go camping with- America because he's a fricken Eagle Scout

14. Character you wouldn't mind being roommates with- England or Russia (What, he's like a big teddy bear...I think...)

15. Character you'd want to cook for you- Germany (Wurst! Wurst! Beer!)

16. Character you wouldn't mind prancing naked for you- *thinking of someone* hehehe no one...


18. Character you wouldn't mind having as a parent- idk, I guess Spain (As long as he doesn't make me do work because bitch, I will cut you)

19.Character you'd karaoke with- Probably England because he's a pretty good singer

20. Character you wouldn't mind having as your butler/maid- Austria cuz he'll get the job done

21.Character in your party if you were in an RPG- Ummm Germany I guess?

22. Another OTP(s)- Spamano and RoChu .3.

23. Your Favorite Nyo Character- Russia because she looks kawaii :3

24. Character with your favorite Outfit- Amerika (bomber jacket is bae)

25. Character who would be your band mate- Prussia because he's got that awesome broom-guitar

26. Character you wouldn't mind as a boss- Spain (parent, boss, whatever)

27. Character you  wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley- Belarus or 2P Romano (what, he creeps me out... *Shutters* )

28. Character you'd want personified into a dog- Idk why, but I say Russia

29. Character you'd want personified into a cat- Since my cat already acts like the Iggy-Cat, I'd say Americat

30. Character you'd want to cosplay as- Well, I was going to go as America for Halloween, but I got sick. Next Halloween I'm probably gonna go as 2p America (animenerd153 you should go as 2P England xD)

THere we gooo

~Megan ^.^

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