100 Truths Challenge ^^

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I gots this idea from @Ncallygator

Ummm idk If you like have to nomininate people for this... But if you do... *evil smile*

Hetalia_OC_Vienna   animenerd153   Blank_The_Heroine   Mangledear

Okeyyyy lets start ;3


1. Real Name- Megan, Why do you need to know this?

2. Nickname- Well the annoying boys at my school call me Meg-Meg...

3. Favorite Color- Green! No yellow! Maybe orange or red...

4. Gender- Female

5. Elementary- I learned that boys aren't as great as my mom described... But I still passed.

6. Middle School- I'm in 7th Grade so... So far so good... I guess?

7. High School- Just said I was in 7th grade

8. College- I want to go to college in England but my parents said no...

9. Hair- Medium Brown, Shoulder Length, Bangs...

10. Tall/Short- I am 5'4.5" so I'm still taller than most of the boys *pats myself on back*

11. Jeans/Sweatpants- Jeans for out and abroad, sweatpants for computer and wattpad

12. Phone/Camera- First of all, no one has a camera anymore, and my phone is a crappy track phone, so I do everything on my tablet or computer

13. Health Freak- OMgosh I am so stinking fast! But it usually depends on how big of a bag of cheese puffs you have ;P To sum it up, I am lazy and proud!

14. Oranges/Apples- Really? I prefer pineapple.

15. Crush- Who needs real boys when they can be hot and fictional?

16. Boyfriends- Eh, I had one in like, 1st grade

17. Piercings- Nope

18. Coke/Pepsi- Definitely Coke!

19. Ridden In an Airplane- Yes but I was a baby so I don't remember... :'(

20. Been In a Relationship- Didn't I already tell you this?

21. Car Accident- Nopeee

22. Fist Fight- I try to avoid that, which sometimes doesn't work to well... I swear my senior year at high school I'm just gonna ''accidentally" punch someone...

23. Best Friends- Lets seeeee I got Layla, Makayla, Camille, MangleDear, Abby, and a few others that aren't on Wattpad ^^

24. 1st Award- Probably my Preschool Diploma or somethin'

25. 1st Crush- Aren't these questions getting a little repetitive?! IDK, some guy in preschool named Paul

26. 1st Word- Idk, but knowing me,probably like 'Shut up' or something like that...

27. Talents- I'm pretty good at writing, I'm awesome at being insane, and I'm Ehh at drawing

28. Last person I talked to- My dad when he was helping me make dinner

29. Last person I texted- My friends Kelly, Cassidy, and Brynley

30. Last Person I watched a movie with- Myself :p

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