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Vi is online

Vietnam is online

Vietnam: Who does Spain love??

Vi: ROMANO! Who does Prussia love? Dont. Say. Hungary.

Vietnam: CANADA!!! Who does Finland love?

Vi: SWEDEN! Who does America love?

Vietnam: *trying not to epically fangirl out of the galaxy* IGGYBROWS!!
Who does Hungary love?

Vi: My big brother!!!! Who else does Austria love? *smiles and thinks*

Vietnam: His piano...
Who does Germany love??

Vi: ;-; Italy.... ;-;

Vietnam: *beats with Austrias piano*

Vi: *beats with Switzerlands peace prize*

Vi: Who does Swizerland love? 2 possible answers.

Vietnam: I gots three:
1. Lichenstien
2. His gun
3. His Noble Peace Prize

Vi: There was another but ok.... Heheeheh. Anyway. Who does.... France love? And Russia..??

Vietnam: France- Everyone ;)

Vi: Ship it:>

Vietnam: Who does Vietnam love?

Vi: Germany. Who does Vienna love? 2 answers :>

Vietnam: 1.America

Vi: :D u know me so w- waittttttt.... ;-; REALLY?!?!

Vietnam: Who else do i love??

Vi: Japan. China. And errrr....... Prussia!

Here is the order:
1. Doitsu
2. Myself ;)
3. Japan
4. China

Vi: Hmph....

Aus is online

Aus: ..... U guys are creeps

Vi: Holy crap, thanks big brother! Appreciate it! -.-

Aus: Youre welcome.... :)

Server closed

Vivi posted this during a class, and class ends in 3 mins, so I hurried. Thanx for reading!

~Vienna and Vietnam

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