The Challenge of the White Girls

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So I felt like doing another challenge (what, they're fun) so I decided to do another one I got from Ncallygator : The White Girl Challenge (A.K.A. The Finland Challenge)

So sit back, relax, and watch me act totally white (sarcastic)

(oh yeah, and I nominate whoever reads this. Yeah, I'm talking about you...)

1. Favorite Starbucks drink?

I don't like coffee. What, you gonna sue me?

2. How long to get up in the morning?

Idk, depends how long my snooze button can take before it dies...

3. How many selfies do you take?

Whats a ''selfie''... sounds bad....

4. How many Instagram pictures and followers do you have?

About 300 pics and 200 followers. You won't believe how many funny pics there are!

5. Do you ever say omg or lol out loud?


6. Wear the same clothing more than once?

Ummm, doesn't everyone?

7. Are you racist?

Idk, let my friends answer that (Hetalia_OC_Vienna and animenerd153 its your go time)

8. How many tweets you got?

No tweets man, just peeps

9. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?

*nervous sweat* Umm I didn't study!?

10. What do you spend the most time doing?

Converting oxygen to carbon dioxide

11. Favorite Youtubers?

Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Mathias 

12. How often do you do your nails?

Whenever my mom tells me to

13. Are you shopaholic?

Naw, sounds like a bad mental condition...

14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls?

Oh, there is plenty of mean girls in my school

15. Do ya own a lot of clothes?

Naw, besides I only wear a few shirts

16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?

The frick naw

17. Do you wear makeup everyday?

What's makeup?

18. Average grades in school?

Usually A's

19. Hair Style?


20. Always look presentable?

Yeah, for the dead teens who do nothing on the weekend squad

Whoop Whoop I did it. Next is prbs the 30 day Hetalia Challenge (yes again)


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