Chapter 13: Jack

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Jack's P.O.V. 

I yawned, "What time did you wake up?" She asked.

"Well technically i havent gone to sleep yet." I took another bite of my pie. 

"Well if your not engaged to Cesi who is?" I pulled out my phone hitting play on a janoskians video that i was in. 

"This guy his name is Luke. He's a great guy. I just...ah nevermind." 

"No tell me!" Jessie sat down

"I just always thought that by this time we would be together maybe even on our way to getting married.   when we graduated 8th grade and went to diffferent schools i thought that was it, i had lost my chance to be with her, and then just 1 week into the summer she called asked if i wanted to see a movie. our friendship wasn't over. and sure she had several boyfriends in high school and i had several girlfriends but i never stopped loving her. she always was...hell she always will be my one and only." 

"Jack?" She asked.


"Will you marry me?" She giggled and i laughed too. 

"Sorry but i kinda have a thing for this girl." She laughed. 

I placed a wad of cash on the table and stood up. "I'll see you around." I smiled at all of them adjusting my sweatshirt on my body. i jumped in my car quickly heading home and running up the stairs. It was hot i quickly tossed off my sweatshirt and plopped on the couch again. same spot as ever. I shut off the tv and just sat there in silence for a few minutes. why was she marrying him? Why wasn't she marrying me? I decided there wasnt anything i could do so i let it go i took a deep breath and before i flew out to aussie i would work out and go there in shape. So i pulled off my sweat pants put on some shorts and decided to go for a run. 

48 hours later

"Hey," I said placing my bag down.

I sat next to the bed, heart monitors beeping, "Where are the others?" I looked up a Zayn who had obviously not gotten anysleep in the past few weeks. 

"Liams in the next room, Jai and Harry are down the hall." Cesi walked in took one look at me and burst into tears. she ran engulfing herself in my arms, she was much shorter than me and she fit perfectly into my chest. Luke was at home with his mom trying to get her to come see her son but nothing would work. 

"There awake! Harry's awake and on his way to getting out Jai just has several broken bones." 

"And Liam?" I asked.

She sniffled. "He's getting better." I looked at Lauren so peaceful and calm but i knew if i shook her, or screamed loudly her pretty brown eyes wouldn't open.  I stood kissing her forehead and went into Liam's room. 

"Hey Man." He said weakly. He tried to sit up but slid back down slowly grunting as he did so. 

"How are you?" 

"Well a hospital bed." 

"I can see that." We laughed. 

"How's Lauren? is she...awake?" 

I shook my head slowly. "Her vitals are good everything is good but she's just not up and moving yet."

He sighed. "It was my fault..." I was quiet. "I was driving she was in the passengers seat and i was going to fast, laughing histerically singing along to the radio when one of our song came on. and I stopped in a cross street. a truck came full on her side the glass shattered around us i remember it very well. there were pieces of glass everywhere and a little blood. flying Harry and Jai...I can't believe i hurt harry and jai too." He held his head in his hands and silent took in a deep breath, 

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