Soul carnival continued 5

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Starved for blood, drained by live, I am human no more, just a messenger of madness, listen to my words, you know nothing of despair, the carnage it brings, the blue flames of hell, the blood stained steel flying through the air, you paint my canvas, with your blood, giving me my power for I am a god, a god of war, a god of madness, I have no bonds, your sins make me bellow in delight, I only see a future if red, nothin more, nothing less, you will free me and I shall, bring the heavens down crumbling, hell bursting from the ground, I am your executioner, and your time has come, it will all end it a big bang, but not before, it's time for me to play.

I hear your words, oh lowly human but I leave no man alive, bond by fate I am to slaughter you lot, but all I can spare is a swift end end, the bottom of my boot is your future, but heaven shall fall so I'll be seeing you again, welcome to the new he'll and im the boss, die before me with a flash of my power.

Will you yield to my power, never to cross me in hell's name, to becOme my queen and rein over your keen, to slaughter them with no mercy, nothing in your eyes but dry tears, your heart black 's the night, cold as the sea, then bring me your heart, no strings attached, I will be the judge of that, to protect you means your perment exile from your reality.

I tear into your breast, past the flesh and bones, I tear out your heart, bring a glush of blood behind, I heal you wound with a simple kiss, your wounds heal, your hair becomes raven, your clothes shift to a somewhat punk look, your body changes and you become my quern, I stare into your empty eyes and give you the power of choice, you look back with love, and we drift to our castle home.

The backwards plot, her life nothing more than an easy read, the inverted world in which her bottle lies, her fate soon realized, to dive toward that sea with open arms, for tomorrow is hers to tame, no bottle can contain her love, bursting at the seems did the bottle do, the floor only set it free, for love Is like a bottle, never broken but fragile, waiting to be set free.

Much more than a girl,

But a women in love,

With the ruler of her heart,

The king to her thrown,

Needs no name but lover.

Rhythm with my soul, as I cast spell into my keys, the pianos madness seeps through the crack in my soul, I twist your mind, sync with your heart and begin the factory of love, the endless noise fills the heavens, trapping us in my world where I'm boss, your my puppets and my puppets alone, only my hand can cut my chains crafted from my soul.

I listen to your words, shift the tune to a more romantic theme, I make you dance across the skies, I make you soar on the river of love, and make you dive into the depts of sorrow, but I find you in the mist of despair when I cradle yoiu in my arms, kiss you until you lift from your madness,you look back and dance, dance across me like a majestic animal being released from the burden of reality, but to be tamed by the power of instinct.

Death, is my life, horror, is my burden, the hell I know is a torture, it twists your mind to jello, turns your bones to clay, and your bones, dry as sand, you are nothing but a monster, you wished you had chose, the love of your life, the witch that could not take heart break, you wish you had her to hold close, well you chose hell so burn away, and never burden her again.

Play, I said play, play your tune across your soul, let me hear your heart speak to as I feel you wave length, is it warm and loving, dark and eager for blood, well I say it's neither, I feel the warmth of a lover, but the chill of a murder, is your destiny twisted like the hands of fate, the Ora of my evil becomes cool, and gentle as I hold my gem, the balance in my soul.

Time tells no lies, the hands do not stop, the line does not shudder, you are at it's mercy, so do not falter, for if you lie on time, you will be burned to nothing but a smoldering crisp, time has its rules so you beware, the flames of time never miss, it's prey.

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