Soul carnIval continued 2

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Poem 5- Heartbreak

Tearing into the heart, seeing beyond the cover of flesh and bone, to the very core, to feel the others love with all your soul, but some just want to tear, into that soft vail of love, to nothing, leaving only the bitter tears of a shattered shell, of confusion and hatred, that is a heartbreak to all that know.

Poem 6- Your heart is my treasure

Heart for a heart, is far to me, your heart Is like a treasure more valuable than gold or cash, to feel your heart beat a rhythm of love, as you hear mines we sync and become entwined with your's, we are destined to be together, no one can separate us, as long as we have love.

Poem 7- Alone in the empty world

Flowing on the rivers of you, the dark waves of your hair act as my sea, allowing me to take a voyage past the brown eyes I stare into with a loving feeling,and into the sea of your imagination, where everything is saw through your beautiful way, dolphins dancing in the rain, you playing the harmonica of fate that guides me to you soul, images fade as I see you, nothing more than a queen I see, waiting for it's king.

Poem 8- I will not go on without you

Dust in the wind is my heart, bond to nothing but the winds of loneliness traveling across the lands, but I found you, my love, my true meaning of existing, I hook to you and become solid as rock, a being that has a purpose, to hold you close and comfort, you are my world that is unchanged because of my love, you are my cement that holds my inner world together, we are one in the same, the very means of each others strength and power, you are my soul itself, we are entwined to the very end.

Poem 9- The tune of resonance

Listen to my tune, screeching, scratching, and pinging, as I play my twisted tune that has no rhythm, I listen to your soul and sync to combine our thoughts and being, who could of thought one simple beat could know us so well, to bloom the black vines of madness, my very essence, the demon of a brand new partnership between total strangers.

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