What's the project on?

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"Lets goooo" Buster groans attempting to walk me away from my conversation with Grace. "Chill out Posey" I step towards his car quickly yelling goodbye to everyone else and getting in. It's oddly clean in his car, not a spec of clay anywhere...my car is covered and I don't even play! "So what's this project on?" I ask trying not to be to stupid but to say the least, last nights baseball was running through my head the whole class. "It's on the history of a topic we get to pick...I was thinking baseball? You seem pretty interested in it as am I" "Ya that actually sounds perfect. I can probably do most of that actually" he nods his head and the ride continues in silence until we get to his place. "So do you want to do a specific team or just baseball in general?" he asks throwing his bag by the door. "Either one. I know a lot about both" "Ok so we can do the Giants?" "Ya but, Giants?" "That's my dream team. I want to play with them to a world series one day" Awh dream big kid. "Ok so tell me what to do and I'll do it" "Just find out the original roster and coaches and then if you come by tomorrow after class we can put together our presentation" "Will do. Now back to the Giants, how long have you wanted to do that?" "Well my dad and his dad played for them so I just want to continue the pattern" he starts and continues as his eyes get a little wider and they have this sparkle as he smiles and they crinkle in the corners talking about what he wants and loves. Wait what?

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