He's Never Even Checked Out a Girl

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"Hey Joey" I yell and he looks over before walking to me and sitting on the bleachers. "Ya Sam?" his arms wrap around my waist and pull me into his lap as I put my hands up. "Ew you're so sweaty don't touch me" I joke even though I could care less about dirt and sweat. "I can make you sweaty too" his voice deepens and whispers by my ear. Talk about a fuckboy sheesh. But I can't turn down knocking out another. "Go for it" I answer and his eyes widen before he picks me up and carries me into the lockerroom. It smells so bad in here, this is one I might regret.


"Sam you need to slow down" Joc laughs over the movie we are currently watching, Grace too if you count her asleep in Joc's side watching. "I know but one more and I'm done, free baseball games!!" I cheer and Joc shushes me as Grace moans and pulls herself closer to Joc. I want that relationship so bad, just one more and I can get it. "How bout I challenge you for your last one?" "Sure?" "Buster" "No! That'll never happen I swear he's never even checked out a girl! He'll never do it unless I marry him!" "Exactly. It's called a challenge for a reason dingbat and if you do it I'll take you to AT&T Park" "Ya. I'll try but if I can't get it by the end of this month I'm going for Steven" "Deal" we shake on it and Grace waves her hand up to pull Joc's back down around her. "Sorry princess" he whispers and looks at me with a look saying I can't do it. Whatever Pederson, start saving because your about to owe me a trip to Cali.

little bit of foreshadowing there lol this book i want to be like 20 chapters but idk we'll see

grace and joc are relationship goals lets be honest they are perfect

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