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●Chapter 11: Joy-Anna

           I had just finished getting my pajamas on and crawled into bed, when I heard Lucien's voice.

            "Joy-Anna." His voice, like liquid silk, called out my name. It was melodious to the ear, and I felt tempted to reach out to it; to wrap my hands around it. His voice always had that protective sound that made me want to hear it. It wasn't annoying, or just there. It was a needle dropping on the floor. Quiet, but noticeable and relaxing. 

            So I crawled out of bed, and shuffled over to my windowsill. I pressed my forehead against the smooth, cold glass and just breathed. Hoping Lucien would pop out of nowhere. Maybe from behind the trees, or my mom's small shed. My breath fogged up the window pretty badly, but I swear, through the translucent fog, I could see him. When I wiped the fog away though, he was gone. 

          "Lucien..." I whispered against the fog, and pressed my palms up to it, just above my forehead. I relished the frosted windows, because at this time of year, it was hotter than a summer's heat. Hell, it was barley May. 

            "Come out here," his soft voice said. I found myself subconsciously pressing my palms harder into the window. Again, I wiped away that fog that was building up, and searched the tree line for him. Zip, zilch, nada. 

                After standing there for a few minutes, I looked up at my hands, and saw the glass was beginning to crack. 

                  "What the heck?" I asked myself, and brought my hands down, examining them carefully. No blood, check. I brought my face back to the window, and saw a very glowing Lucien looking at me from the tree line, just waving. I smiled and opened the window.

               "Hey, come out here with me!" His voice called up to me, and he jerked his thumb back towards a big maple tree that was centered in the middle of a large clearing. I turned around and looked down the hall. Tori and my mother's doors were closed, so surely they wouldn't hear a noise. 

                   "I'll be down in a minute!" I called back in a hoarse whisper, and watched him leave as I shut my window. I ran to my wardrobe and pulled on my black leggings, with a matching leather jacket. I was being sneaky, spy-like, so I had to dress for the occasion. 

               I walked back to the window, opened it, and swung my legs out the window. I tripped when I landed on the fabric material of the awning, and not-so-graciously tumbled onto a bush. Great, now my hair was full of tiny leaves that were probably knotted. 

              When I regained my posture, I searched the area in front of me. No Lucien. 

         I should probably head backit's dark out. I thought to myself, and tried to wheel myself around. My feet wouldn't let me, though. My feet marched me right into the woods, and halted me right in the heart of the dark forest. Crap.

            "Lucien," I called, in a barely audible whisper. I was too afraid that I would awaken wild life, or some form of life. I was getting frustrated, walking around in circles. I couldn't find the bright, red maple tree that I could see as clear as day in my room. Granted, my room was at least twelve feet higher off the ground than myself. 

             I finally began to see a bright red bundle of leaves, and  I knew I found my destination. But, as I approached, Lucien wasn't there. In fact, nothing was there. There was no leaves like I once saw, just a murky swamp in it's place. I began to freak out. 

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