Chapter 18

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I have one word for this chapter: Filler.

It's short but it's important. The next chapter will be the penultimate chapter although I have no idea when that will be published because I want it to be more than perfect before I consider that. Until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter, as short as it may be :)

Rae 'Rae x


Corinne's POV

I had to follow her. I just had to but although her scent was still fresh, I couldn't find her.

How could one small demonstration fight, turn this day into a disaster? It was only meant to be a bit of harmless fighting but ended up being something much bigger than that and I had a strong feeling Callie wouldn't be the same after today.

I decided to speak to my wolf to see if she could connect with Callie's wolf, 'Lilliana, can you see if you can speak to Adeline?'

She let out a small growl, letting me know that I was not going to be happy with her reply,

'I have tried. She is not responding. This is not like her, something is wrong, I can feel it.'

If Lilliana thought something was wrong, there was something seriously wrong. Our wolves have better intuition than we do and the fact that Lilliana could not get through to Adeline was a really bad sign.

With wolves, you have two separate mind links. So I have a mind link with Callie and Lilliana has a mind link with Adeline. Usually, if I couldn't get through to Callie, Lilliana could always get through Adeline. There has never been a time where she couldn't. Until now. This now means that not only is Callie unresponsive, but Adeline is unresponsive as well and the only way that happens is through the use of silver. I needed to find her and I needed to find her fast.

I picked up my pace and followed Callie's scent to the edge of our territory. That was when another smell hit me with full force. Vampire.

I growled and sniffed around, picking up another smell; silver. The fact that the smell of silver and vampire were in the same place and on our territory nonetheless was bad, really bad.

I could feel the anger from Lilliana and she took control immediately. Until she calmed down I was unable to regain control but to be honest, I was just as angry as she was and at this point, the only thing that would calm us down, is knowing Callie and Adeline are safe.

Lilliana let out a loud growl and started clawing at the ground in anger. There was no way we could step foot onto No Man's Land at the moment. It just wasn't an option.

No Man's Land was swarming with exiled Mythicals from every realm. It was the one piece of land that spanned across all realms. Hence why it was the only piece of land where official wars were held.

Lilliana felt a presence behind us so she turned and growled. Even when she realised it was the Generals, her growls didn't cease. She was angry and it was going to take a lot to calm her down,

"Corinne, you need to take back control," Johan said, "We cannot communicate with you like this."

Lilliana took Johan's words into account, 'If I am going to hand you back control Corinne, you have to be firm. We have to get back our mates, no matter what the cost.'

'I understand. Trust me, I'll handle this.'

Control was handed back to me immediately and I shifted back into human form. I ran a hand through my hair and started making my way back to the castle, pushing my way through the Generals without so much as a second glance.

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