Chapter 1

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Corinne's POV

"Corinne! Have you heard?"

I turned to face my best friend, "Heard about what?" I replied confused. I had no idea what she was talking about,

"The Queen is visiting our school today."

I looked at her in shock, "Queen Calliria?"

She nodded, "Apparently, she hasn't found her mate yet so she's going to visit every town she can until she does."

"She's only nineteen though, why is she so adamant on finding her mate already?"

Hollie rolled her eyes at me, "You know that royalty find their mates when they're fifteen. It's been four years, she's impatient."

"So I've heard."

Queen Calliria Cecilia Remington was Queen of the wolf world. She is one of the youngest Queens ever to be on the throne. The previous King and Queen unfortunately died in battle two years ago, making Queen Calliria seventeen when she took to the throne. I've heard that although she's young, she's extremely strict and impatient. She hates to be kept waiting and her rules are her rules, she doesn't bend them for anyone, no matter who you are. People are hoping that she finds her mate soon so that whoever they are can tame her. Hard task. There have also been many rumours that the Queen is in-fact bisexual but it's never been confirmed. She tends not to publicise her private life so much, so everything is merely here-say.

"Will all students please make there way to the front of the university to welcome the Queens arrival."

I jumped back into reality from that announcement, "Come on Corinne."

I took Hollie's outstretched hand and let her drag me to the front of the building. Everyone was already out there, lined up in two single file lines on either side of the university gate. Once we saw the limo pull up everyone went silent. It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

The driver got out of the limo and proceeded to the back so that he could open the door for who I presumed was the Queen. It was.

The first thing I saw was a tone and slender leg before the rest of her followed. In pictures she was beautiful but in person she was absolutely breathtaking. No words could describe how gorgeous she actually was. All I know is, whoever her mate is, they're a lucky person.

She was elegant and poised. Head upright and back straight with the crown placed perfectly on her head. She was perfect,

"Ladies and gentleman, please bow before your Queen!"

Everyone did as they were told and bowed before her briefly before looking up again. She had a very stoic expression and didn't give away any emotion. She was blank canvassed but I found it to be quite intriguing.

She started to walk slowly down the middle of the two lines, looking briefly from side to side at everyone in the line, hoping to make eye contact with her mate.

Unfortunately for me, today was not my day. As she was nearing closer to me in the line, I got pushed from behind, straight into the path of the Queen.

I was immediately grabbed by two of her guards and made to stand up straight, but I kept my head down. It was extremely disrespectful to look the Queen or any member of the royal family directly in the eyes,

"You dare to get so close to your Queen?!" One guard shouted, making me duck my head even further,

"William," The Queen spoke gracefully, "Unhand her."

"But your majesty-" The Queen cut him off abruptly,

"I said, unhand her."

I was released but I did not move. I dared not to. I wasn't going to get on the wrong side of the Queen, I've heard it's not a pretty sight.

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now