Chapter 12

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4 days later

Calliria's POV

It's been four days since we started our search for Cyran and Diane. We've gotten nowhere in those four days. I released Drayton three days ago, apologising profusely for not believing him. He said it was okay and that he understood, especially since he was only one, other than Corinne and myself, with the combination into not only the cells, but into Cyran's cell. It wasn't confusing as to why I suspected him.

Corinne had taken to training the warriors hand to hand combat every morning. It was a good idea but I didn't like it because I would wake up every morning without her next to me. Whether it was because we were dropping Corey to school or training the warriors, we never saw each other first thing in the mornings. It wasn't what I was use to, especially since we've been waking up next to each other practically everyday since we met.

The council left yesterday, letting me and Corinne know that they were happy with the way we were running things. Like I didn't know that already. Although, I had to thank them because if it wasn't for them, we never would have found out that Diane was a witch and was the one that helped Cyran escape. I still would have been falsely accusing Drayton if it wasn't for them so I owed them a great deal of gratitude.

Right now, I was back at the castle after dropping Corey off at school. It was Friday and it was supposed to be me and Corinne dropping him, but Corinne was up until late last night educating the warriors in weak spots and all that so I left her in bed this morning to get some rest.

When it came to hand to hand combat, Corinne was extremely skilled. I was a better fighter in wolf form and I was very skilled in the use of weapons but hand to hand combat was Corinne's forté. I watched her train the warriors one afternoon and she did not play around. She tested them every day on what they learnt in the previous lesson and if they got a question wrong, the punishment was harsh. One time, one of our warriors got an easy question wrong so the punishment was for him to fight Corinne. It was safe to say that she beat him, bad. He was limping for hours after that, which is saying something because he was a wolf and wolves heal fairly quickly. Although, he didn't get a question wrong after that so he definitely learnt his lesson. I now see where Corinne got her dominance from.

Due to everything that has been going on, me and Corinne haven't really had any time to be intimate. The last time we had sex was four days ago and although it seems like not a long time ago, it was. I'm not saying I'm a sex fiend or anything but when you're used to having sex at least every day, four days felt like a lifetime. I wasn't going to push her though, I knew that when she wanted to, she would and until then, I'm going to keep my mouth closed.

I walked into mine and Corinne's room to see that Corinne wasn't in bed, but the bed wasn't made, letting me know that she was in the bathroom. She always made the bed before she left the room. It was a habit she said that she couldn't shake off. I took my crown off and placed it on the side table before sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. I knew Corinne would kill me for lying on the bed with my shoes on, she hated it when I did that but I just couldn't be bothered to take them off just to put them back on soon anyway.

The bathroom to the left of me opened and Corinne walked out in a towel. I don't think she realised I was in the room though because she dropped the towel just before she got to her underwear drawer. No matter how many times I had explored Corinne's body, I couldn't help but admire it. I let out a low whistle which made her scream in shock and turn to face me, covering what she could of her body with her hands. I chuckled and she let out a small sigh of relief when she realised it was me,

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