Chapter 8

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Four days later

Corinne's POV

Being back home was awful, I have to admit. I mean, I missed the castle but when you've been in the Seychelles for over a week, would you want to come home?

I must admit though, the honeymoon was absolutely amazing. We swam, went sightseeing again, we even went jet-skiing, which will go down well with the media later on I'm sure. Note the sarcasm.

It was, without a doubt, one of the best holidays I have ever been on. I also couldn't help but continue to tease Callie a little bit. I don't know where this side of me has come from but ever since we mated, it's just come out all of a sudden.

Right now, me and Callie were at the closest public primary school. We decided that we wanted Corey to go to a public school. Allow him to make his own friends from now. At an older age, they will most likely be friends with Corey just because he's a Prince. At the age he's at now, the kids won't be his friend purely because he's a Prince but they'll be his friend just to be his friend.

The assembly hall in this school was actually called Remington Hall. It was named that when Callie's parents came into power.

Me and Callie walked hand in hand into the school, with Corey holding onto Callie's other hand. We had gotten Corey his crown and when we gave it to him, he was so excited. He didn't want to take it off when he went to bed that night. It took a while and a lot of tears until he finally took it off. He wasn't actually wearing it right now though, which was a surprise to both me and Callie, considering the drama we went through for him to take it off.

It was break time in the school now so the halls were fairly full. Everyone we passed bowed to us, including the children. The age range for this school was from three to eleven. Although, even at three, they knew who we were. Everyone did.

We walked into the reception area and everyone bowed to us, before a lady walked up to us,

"Your majesties. What can we do for you today?"

"We would like to enrol our son." Callie stated.

The woman looked at us confused before looking down at Corey, "A son? I don't recall you having a son."

Callie raised an eyebrow at her, "What is your name?"

"Taylor your majesty."

"Well Taylor, I may not have had a son before, but I have one now and it would be wise of you not to question why or how."

Taylor bowed slightly, "Of course your majesty, I apologise."

"So, like I said, we would like to enrol our son."

Taylor nodded, "Of course, this way."

She led us out the door and to a door that was right next to the reception area. She knocked three times and only entered when the voice behind it said she could. The headteacher.

"What is it Taylor?" The headteacher said, with her head down in paperwork,

"Queen Calliria and Queen Corinne are here, along with their son."

Her head shot up immediately and she stood up before bowing to us, "Your majesties."

Callie nodded and we both went to sit down on the two chairs opposite her, giving her the cue that it was okay for her to sit down as well,

"What brings you here today your majesty?"

"We would like to enrol our son. We want him to experience public school and we've heard that this is one of the best in the country."

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