Chapter 4

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Fair warning before reading this chapter. This chapter, along with a few after this is extremely laid back so if you're looking for action, this isn't it lol 

By what I've written, the action isn't until at least chapter 9 so you're more than willing to wait until then. However, if you don't mind it then the next few chapters are just for you. 

Hope you enjoy this one :)

Rae' Rae x


One month later

Corinne's POV

I woke up and turned around on my side, expecting to see Callie there but she wasn't. I sat up confused and looked around the room. I looked over on her side of the bed to see that her crown was gone as well so I knew she had left the room completely. Her crown was always the very last thing she put on before she left.

This wan't how I intended to wake up on my twentieth birthday that's for sure. Callie's birthday was a few weeks before mine. It was hard to find a present for her because she kept saying how she had everything she ever wanted, which was true. She was a Queen, what more could you really ask for in life?

However, I figured it out in the end. I knew that Callie missed her parents deeply and although I couldn't bring them back, I tried my hardest to do the next best thing. I managed to find a picture of both her parents and I put them in a silver locket. I was going to choose a gold locket but I realised she didn't really like gold. All her jewellery was silver, including her crown.

We spent the morning together and the afternoon with Corey and just before we went to bed, I gave her my gift. She started crying and at first I thought she didn't like it, until she revealed that she was crying tears of happiness, making me sigh in relief.

I was also planning on mating with her that night but she once again refused. She kept saying how she wanted it to be special but a small part of me keeps wondering if she wants to mate with me at all.

I yawned and stretched slightly before standing up from the bed. It took me roughly thirty minutes to finish my usual routine and I was just finishing straightening my hair when Corey ran into the room,

"Afternoon mama Cowinne!" He shouted happily, making me laugh,

"Good afternoon Corey, are you okay?"

He nodded and climbed onto my lap, "I good. You sweep fowever!"

I smiled, "It's only one in the afternoon, you just wake up too early." I replied before tickling him making him laugh,

"Stop! Mama!"

I ceased the tickling and he smiled up at me, "You mean."

I gasped out in fake shock and hurt, "I'm not mean."

He wrapped his arms around my neck and leant his head on my shoulder, "Mama Callie said to wake you if you not up."

"And where is mama Callie right now?"

He shrugged before leaning back to look at me, "She gone. She told me before but I no know where she is now."

I nodded, "You want to go and find her?"

He nodded and jumped off my lap before running over to my side of the bed to pick up my crown. He then ran back over to me and handed it to me,

"Here your cwown mama."

I smiled, "Thank you very much Prince Corey."

I placed my crown on top of my head and adjusted it slightly until it felt right,

The Queen (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now