Hogwarts just got facebook 15

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Voldemort: Tom riddle still exists guys!!!

Harry potter: of course he does! In you.

Ron Weasley: here we go again.

Voldemort: no last time he messaged me saying he was the evil me and that's why I'm not evil!

Ron Weasley: bull shit! You weren't even part of the conversation last time!

Harry potter: to settle this Ron go and check the posts.

Voldemort: yeah Ron go check!

Ron Weasley: fine but u owe me!

*Ron Weasley has logged off*

Harry potter: and now we wait.

Harry potter: waiting

Harry potter: waiting

Harry potter: waiting

Voldemort: and we're still waiting

Harry potter: that's my thing!

Voldemort: JUICE BOXES!!!!

Harry potter: that's old now.

Voldemort: daymn.

*Ron Weasley has logged on*

Ron Weasley: omfg that was soooooo scary!!

Voldemort: told u I was right!!!! In yow face!

Harry potter: uh I'm going to um go now......

*harry potter has logged off*

*tom riddle has logged on*

Tom riddle: I'm back!

Ron Weasley: ahhhhhhhhh!!!

*Ron Weasley has logged off*

Voldemort: BYE!!!!

*Voldemort has logged off*

*tom riddle has logged off*

*harry potter has logged on*

Harry potter: gets them every time.

*harry potter has logged off*

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