Hogwarts just got facebook 6

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Ginny Weasley posted a status: I think my arms are going to fall off...

Ron Weasley: I better go and get the cello tape then.

Ginny Weasley: it's a figure of speech!

Voldemort: I can make them fall off if you want?

Ron Weasley: you leave my sister alone!

Voldemort: what? I was kidding! I'm drinking a black current juice box anyway.

Ginny Weasley: it didn't sound like you were kidding!

Hermione granger: Hello everyone!

Draco Malfoy: this is soooo cool, I've never been on Facebook before.....

Ron Weasley: hello hermione :)

Draco Malfoy: don't I get a hello???

Ginny Weasley: no

Draco Malfoy: I'm telling my father about this!!!

Voldemort: why? Don't be such a cry baby!

Ron Weasley: I think I'll get used to this new Voldemort quite nicely!

Voldemort: I'm not new, I'm older than you.

Hermione granger: I think what Ron is trying to say is that you used to be the evil dark lord.... But now you come on Facebook.

Draco Malfoy: I'm still going to tell my father about this! He will shut the whole site down!!!!

*Draco Malfoy has logged off*

Ron Weasley: I'm going to Harry's house, did you know he lives with hagrid now???

Hermione granger: does he? I'm coming too!

Ron Weasley: it will be like the old times!

*Hermione granger has logged off*

*Ron Weasley has logged off*

Ginny Weasley: I'm going too, bye Voldemort!

Voldemort: bye Ginny.

*Ginny Weasley has logged off*

Voldemort: damn, my juice box is empty......

*Voldemort has logged off*



Did I spell hagrid right??? Please comment/vote/fan

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