Mom kicks butt

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"Hey Jaspen, Fire!" Quinn says as Micah and I walk up.

"We normally call ourselves by our team names during practice." Micah says answering my questioning look.

"Sup?" I ask with a small smile.

"Not much, but hey will you show us that move you did during the competition?"

"I can only do that on a half pipe otherwise I totally would!" I say giving a pouty face. They both laugh.

Raph POV:

I was scouring the city for crime when I heard a girl screaming at the top of her lungs last night. I looked to see her back covered in cuts and her father I'm guessing, pouring moonshine whisky on her wounds to make her scream even louder. It took everything in me not to go in and save her. Now that I think back I don't understand why I didn't. I was angry enough to kill the man. That's weird normally I would've just charged in and save her. I hear a sigh as someone comes in the lair.

"What's up April?" Donnie my little brother asks her, running up to her like a love sick puppy dog. We all know he doesn't have a chance with her and yet he still tries. He's a giant turtle and she's a human. We're monsters she's not.

"I think a friend of mine is getting abused at home." She says and Donnie's expression changes from happy to furious in three seconds flat. April goes to meditate and I follow Donnie.

"What's with the sudden change Don?"

"Who could hurt a friend of April's. I'm sure if they're April's friend then their nice wonderful and smart." I laugh a little, ironically enough it wouldn't surprise me. He looks at me not understanding. I shrug not saying anything and leaving to find April. Maybe I'm just pessimistic. All I know is I don't believe that anyone could be as trusting as Donnie.

"Hey April, does this friend of yours happen to have red hair, blue eyes?" I ask her and she opens her eyes stopping her meditation. She nods surprised. "I was on patrol duty last night. Nothing was happening but I heard a girl screaming. She had red hair." I say leaving out the part where her dad was pouring moonshine on her back.

"Wanna tell me why she was screaming?" April asks me her eyes narrowing.

"Uh uh that's her right. If she won't tell you then I won't either." I say and April looks at me annoyed. I shrug and leave.

Jade POV:

"Man that was awesome!" Fire says as I pick my skateboard up after showing off a little.

"Thank you!" I say with a smile, until I realize what time it is. I groan inwardly realizing I have to go back to the apartment where dad is laying in wait. I wonder what form of bloody murder he's gonna perform today? It was hell yesterday but today'll be worse. Tiger and I say bye to Fire and we go back to our apartment building.

"See ya." I say trying not to have a nervous breakdown. When I open the door to my apartment I see my dad sitting like a hawk watching his prey. I shove my hands into my pockets and try to go to my tiny room where my skateboards are.

"Not even saying hello to your father after you get home. What a horrible child you are."

"Dad could you like not tonight please." I say and he punches my face. I groan from the pain and he punches the bruise on my stomach. I yell out of pain and he keeps going until "You need to stop hurting the beautiful girl in front of you." I hear my mom say.

"Mom!" I say with a smile.

"Oh it's the other ungrateful bitch." My dad says kicking me again.

"I warn you this time dear, I got a black belt Tae Kwon Do." Mom says putting her hands up prepared for a fight.

"I doubt you can beat me my dear wife."

"Try me." Mom says and dad lunges at her. She ends up kneeing him in the stomach as he comes towards her then grabs his arm switching sides and flinging him out the door.

"Now you leave my daughter and I alone or I will call the police and not only that, but whoop your ass into next year." She says slamming the door in his face. "Oh my God my baby girl. I'm so sorry! Why didn't you call me?" She says hugging me and I groan. She managed to hug the injured part of my back. "What did he do to you?" I tell her the whole story and she starts crying.

"I'm so sorry. I knew he would go pretty far, but not that far. I'm so sorry."

"Mom it's not like you knew he'd find us while you were gone for a few days. I'm gonna be fine." I say sounding more assured than I actually am.

"How about we go shopping for a new board or two Saturday?" she asks me and I grin.

"Maybe a couple converse too." I say with a hopeful smile and she nods and I grin.

"The next time I'm gonna be away will be for a month so this is like my going away gift to you. We'll have a board and converse shopping spree. Just don't go over two thousand alright." she says and I wink.

"Now mom you know I'm a cheapy I wouldn't try and go too high." I say with a grin and she laughs.

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