The Skateboarding Ring

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Hey I'm done where should we meet? I text the blond that I met earlier.

I'll pick you up since I'm a floor above you. He texts back and I grab my second favorite skateboard and pull on my favorite converse. My second favorite board is this gold psychedelic and matches my converse. It's really cool!

"Nice shoes. Can you do tricks?" he asks me as I open the door.

"Can I do tricks? Is that even a question?" I reply.

"Mm true. I'm Quinn by the way. Were you in a skating ring wherever you were living last?"

"Jade. Nah I'm a loner. And I was in LA." I say and he nods.

"Nice. LA's a great place to skate. You know what a skating ring is though right?"

"Isn't it where people bet on your skating team and you do tricks in front of judges?"

"Yep. My team's short one person and we have a match against the Tap Mafia for our skate park. Will you join us please?" he asks as we walk out. He grabs his board from a nearby car and I nod. I fish around in my pockets to find my half gloves. I pull them on and say "You got yourself a member."

"Sweet!" he says.

"However I'm only gonna help you guys out when you legit need help."

"Deal!" he says and I hold out my hand and he shakes it. Then we end up skating to the park.

"Where have you been? I've had to stall for an hour."

"Getting our last member."

"Her? Can she even skate?"

"Just watch tonight." I say to the rude boy who seems to have a problem with a woman skater.

"Fine. You better not lose us the match, if you do I'll kill you myself."

"Good luck with that." I reply.

"Sorry that's Micah. He's not friendly with people he doesn't know."

"Can we start now?" A guy with a purple dragon tattooed on his forearm asks.

"Yes. Lets go."

"All right folks looks like we're finally starting. First up, Snap vs. Fire." The rude red head and another dude get up and I see a half pipe. I whistle and grin excited. I almost never got to do half pipes.

"And go!" the announcer says and they start up on different sides. Micah gets high enough to do a 360 and the other guy does a 180.

"Fire wins this round goes to the Black Dragons. Next up Snake vs. the one and only Tiger!" A guy who really looks like he's from the mafia steps up and Quinn steps up as well. I'm guessing Quinn's pretty well known around here.

"He's amazing. He can do a lot of stuff that I can't even think of doing." Micah says standing next to me.

"And go!"

"Can't wait to see." I say as both sides start off. Quinn ends up doing a 360 and a 180 in the same take off and my eyes go huge. It's rare to see someone other than me who can do that. It took me two years to master that move and figure out how high was high enough.

"Tiger wins, this round goes to the Black Dragons. Next up Skull vs. what's your nick newbie?"


"Skull vs. Jaspen." I climb up the ladder and breath. I can do this. I just have to beat the other guy right. I put my earbuds in and hear the announcer yell "Go." Netsky finale comes on and I grin. I roll down fast and go up fast. I grab the inside of the wall and grab my board quickly with my hand before flipping and taking my hand off my board rolling down, to end up back on my original side. I take my headphones out to hear applause. I grin and pick up my board climbing back down the ladder.

"Jaspen wins. Black Dragons take 3 out of 3 rounds." The guy announcing says as Quinn and Micah come over to me.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" Micah asks me surprised.

"Oh me? The girl who doesn't look like she can skate? I'll tell you now that trick took me three years to perfect to where I wasn't getting concussions every few months." I say my eyes fiery with pride.

"Dang your eyes when you get pumped up look really cool!" Quinn says and I look at him strangely.

"Alright then, and as much as I'd like to stick around I have school tomorrow man." I say and Quinn nods.

"I'll take you back." He says and we both put down our boards and skateboard back to our apartment building. "Thank you for helping us out."

"No problem. See ya sometime."

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