Chapter 7: The Process

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A/N heeey guys!!! Surprise update! I hope you guys are enjoying this book ! It takes time to write it , especially when you get writers block , 😔 i wont promise an update every day but ill aim for atleast 1c a week! Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter! 😘🙈☺️

[Des POV : ]

We're sitting here , just staring at each other , my blue eyes staring at his Now gold ones , he was beautiful!! Maybe more beautiful then he his in person ! Jk hes so sexy in person lawd jesus ! Anyways he nuzzled his face to my cheek , and just rubbed it against the side of my face i could stay like this forever , i could get use to this , i mean yes , it did scare the hell out of me at first , but 2 sec later i realized his intentions were not to hurt me , he showed me love instead . He pulled back , and i pouted , he backed up , and closed his eyes , about 10 sec later , he was standing there , NAKED , AGAIN ! Omg i started drooling , next thing i know , i felt the darkness taking over me , yes , silly me i fainted , i mean IF YOU SEEN HIM , NAKED. you would have been so fucking hot that you would have fainted too!

[ About an hour and a half later ]
I woke up to my stomach growling , i guess the baby , or should i say pup , is hungry & so am i , i tossed and turned a little , then gave up , the pup wasn't having it . I slowly sat up , to realize im not in my bed , my room , or my house , where the fuck am i ? Then , it hit me , i blushed a little and face palmed myself , oh lawd thats embarrassing! ☺️ i slowly stood up , and walked out the bedroom door , trying to find the kitchen in a huge fucking mansion was NOT easy! Idk how many times i got lost after i went to the first floor! I finally found the kitchen , but , once i opened the door , i about pissed myself ! There in his kitchen was atleaat 200 people , all sitting at the table eating what im guessing is dinner ! But , when i looked around marri wasnt there , so i hurriedly back up closed the door & put my hands over my face to cover the blush and the embarrassment , i stood there for about 5 mins , until i felt hands wrap around my waist & whisper ' hey beautiful. Are you hungry ' in my ear , i nodded my head yes , & he pulled me into the kitchen where everyone was , i hid behind him trying to keep from everybody looking at me . But that didnt help , because the words he said made them all look at me .

' This is your luna Destanee' marri said , and when i looked up , ALL eyes were on me! I fainted again! Silly me ! I am really to shy for this ! Luna? WTF thats a big Responsibility !

[ Sorry its short guys , i know i know hope you loved it anyways ! 😘💕 ]

- Des ☺️😘

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