Chapter 5: Morning Sickness

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[ Des POV :

Waking up to puking my guts out isnt how i like to start my morning , but i guess i better get use to it for another 2 weeks , today i go back to my doctor mrs. jennigs , i cant wait to see my baby , i cant wait to touch my baby either ! I cant wait till he/she is here i though while rubbing my stomach .
Getting up from the floor , and flushing the toilet , i fixed my hair & started brushing my teeth . Once done i grabbed some leggings and a t-shirt & got in the shower . I got dressed & went downstairs .
I plugged my phone into the speaker , and good for you by selena gomez started playing , so you know i had to get crunk while making something to eat before my appointment . ☺️

15 mins later & my phone went off , i was debaiting on wether or not if i wanted to get up and see what it was . 2 mins later i sighed and got up to see , it was a text from Marri . My heart isntantly stopped beating for about 2.5 seconds , before i realized it had stopped . I havent talked to him in 2 days , the last text i sent him was when i told him i was pregnant , i thought he was mad at me or didnt believe me . After thinking about everything i read his message .

( D for des M for marri )

M: Hey , im sorry about not replying the other day i wasnt expecting a message like that , dont get me wrong , im happy about it , i really am and i cant wait till our baby is here .. Im really sorry i did this to you , i ruined your senior year , i dont care if people know its mine , hell i dont care if anyone knows it at all . Im really happy des . & i really am sorry '

Reading the message over and over again about 6 times just to clarify if what i was reading was true . Is he really happy? Is he honestly sorry for not replying ? Did he need time for it all to just sink in ? Wait , he thinks he ruined my senior year ? Does he not know me ? I could careless how other people feel about this , this is my situation & my responsibility , they aren't benefiting me or our child , so why would i care about other peoples feelings on this ? Hell my cute pregnant ass still gonna be cute pregnant and all . What do i say back to him ? I dont know if i should tell him theres an appointment in an hour if he wants to come and leave it at that , or if i should just reply to what he said .
To busy into thinking he texted again , im guessing because i didnt reply back .
M: im sorry if your mad at me , i really am . But we really need to talk , i have a lot i need to tell you , its important ! Please text me back , can we meet up later ?

Replying i said ' yeah sorry i was eating , theres an appointment in an hour if you want to come ? '

M: can you reschedule? Its that important . This can not wait at all !

I wonder what he has going on? Why do i have to cancel the baby appointment ? Why cant i go ? Why is he freaking out like this? Guess theres only one way to find out . Exiting out of our messages i called the doctors office and told the nurse i needed to cancel my appointment , she said okay des i have tomorrow at 3:30 is that okay ? Yes mam thats fine , thank you so much see you tomorrow . I hung up sending him a text.

' yeah i just canceled the appointment , what time you want to meet ? And where at ?

M:my house , 473 w okafield blvd , and as soon as you can please.

D : Okay ill be there in a few .

M: great cant wait to see you cutie .

Cutie ? Really? Well i am cute as fuck haha , im so conceited , oh well . I grabbed my keys & my phone & walked to my car . Well i hope this turns out to be a good start . I really do . I hope we can be there for our child , even if that means we aren't together , i know hes not the relationship type , so i just want him to be there for our baby . Helping me raise and provide for our baby ..

A/N i hope you guys arent mad at me for leaving it that way , haha ☺️ but anyways , i promised an update , here ya go . Hope you like it . Love ya ! ☺️😘
- Des 😬☺️

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