Chapter 19

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Spencer's POV

"What's going on?" Hanna asks walking in.

"Hey I got your text." Aria says coming in next.

Ali and Emily both ran in. "Spencer whats the matter?" They both said.

"It has nothing to do with me." I say. "Its Kendall."

"Okay how the hell did she get hurt this time?" Hanna asks annoyed.

"Physically, she didn't. Emotionally, by A."

"No offense, but that isn't anything new Spencer." Emily crosses her arms.

I roll my eyes. "Well I know that. But these," I take the stack of papers from the box A gave us to Aria, and all the girls go around her, peeking at them. "These are new."

"What are they?" Ali asks looking up.

"Evidence based papers on the accident. These papers concluded that the car accident Kendall's parents were in was actually a murder.

"Murder?" Aria repeats.

"A murdered Kendall's parents?" Emily was skimming through all the papers.

"Charles specifically. He murdered them. Kendall believes that he tortured them like he is torturing us. And then he decided to murder them."

Hanna raised an eyebrow."Why though? What did her parents do?"

"We are still trying to figure it out."

"Where's Kendall?" Alison walks over to the steps.

"Right up those stairs. I have no idea what she is doing."

Alison then started going up, and we all followed her. We got to Kendall's room. We opened the door and saw her looking out the window.

"Kendall?" I ask. "What are you looking at?"

"He's here." She whispers, and runs right past us, and down the stairs.

Kendall's POV

I ran down the stairs, and my mom and dad came inside the house with suitcases, and with my Uncle Keith behind them.

"Kendall!" He smiles brightly. I was shocked that he was here. I didn't expect him here until next week. Why is he early?

"Uncle Keith." I say. He came up to me and hugged me tightly, and I hugged back. "I thought you were coming next week."

"I was let out early. And I wanted to come as soon as possible." He smiled. He looked at the staircase behind me, where all the girls were standing. "Hey Spencer, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine Keith." She softly smiles.

"Oh Kendall!" He exclaims. "I have a present for you."

"No you didn't have to get me something."

"Of course I did." He says. He goes into his duffel bag and takes out a book.

"Your mother, may she rest in peace, was someone who loved stories. She loved giving out advice, and helping and making others smile. She loved telling people her history. And when you were born, she started writing in this leather book. Its meant for you." He handed me the book and I opened the cover to it. And I read the first words that were on there..

To my daughter Kendall. I love you so much ~Mom

"Have you read it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Its meant for you. Not me. So no, I haven't. It was suppose to be given to you on your eighteenth birthday, but I thought maybe you would want it now."

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