Chapter 4

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I entered through the back door of my house, and saw Spencer laying across the couch reading a magazine, and my mother chopping vegetables on the counter.

"Hi Kendall." My mother smiled. "Where were you?"

"I didn't feel like being alone, so I just hung out with Emily."

"And you didn't invite me?" Spencer sits up.

I avoided looking at her. "Sorry, you weren't around."

I passed her and went upstairs to my room. Moments later, she walked in, and slammed my door shut.

"What the hell?"

"What?" I say currently looking through my closet.

"Kendall, you talk to everyone! You look at everyone! You've interacted with Aria, Hanna and apparently Emily too! But what about me? Why not me? What have I done wrong? The girls and I even talk to each other! Why not me?!" She exclaims.

I stopped looking through my closet. I looked right into her eyes. She kept staring at me. She had a vein on her forehead that bulged out and her eyes were about to pop out of her head.

"Do you want to know why?" I closed the closet door. "Because you hurt me."

"When did I hurt you?" She crossed her arms.

"Do you really want to know?" I question.

She nods her head furiously.

I sat down on my bed, and started.


You know when you wake up from a bad dream? You sit up really fast and gasp loudly? Well thats how I woke up, but this nightmare came true. I Sat back against the ice cold wall and scrunched my knees up into a ball.

I was isolated into a room. There were no lights, no handle for a way out, no windows so I can peep out of it and at least find out where I am. All there was were four concrete walls. The floor was made of concrete too, but it was covered with dirt and debris. I didn't know what to think. I thought about what could be outside, who could be around. Would someone come in five minutes? Or five weeks? I would admit, I was scared, terrified.

I didn't know how much time passed, but enough for me to be close to starving. I was barely fed, barely hydrated and let alone clean. All that I remember happening was falling asleep, and waking up in what I knew was a different room, but it still had four concrete walls.

I looked at my wrists, and saw cuffs around them. Then I saw a table in front of me with food, and ran for it. I had no idea what it was, but I still ate it. As I was eating, I looked up. There were four lights, each above a picture of each of the girls. As I kept eating, I stared at the pictures.

I finished the plate of food, and set it back down on the table. I went to a wall, and sat against it, waiting.

I didn't know how long its been. Its feels like its been days. The light above Spencer's picture lit up. I stood up and walked towards it. I went closer and closer and then I felt the shock and screamed.

~end of flashback~

I looked at Spencer, who stared at the floor speechless.

"Your light kept lighting up, and then seconds later I would feel the shock. It was only your light that lit up. I figured out that you kept shocking me."

Spencer looked at me with slight tears in her eyes. "Kendall, I didn't know I was shocking you too. You have to believe me."

"I believe you." I told her. "But I just, I don't know why I can't look at you the same."

"Cause I did something evil to you, without knowing. I still hurt you. And I'm sorry."

"Well, thats why I couldn't stand being with you. Thats why I couldn't stand being alone, because I was alone and isolated the whole time I was down there."

"I'm sorry I made you talk about that." She whispered.

"Its okay. I needed to get it off my chest. I needed to tell someone that I trust."

Thats when I heard my mother yell my name.

"Kendall Marie Hastings get down here!!!"

Spencer and I looked at each other in confusion. I stood from the bed and went downstairs.


"You didn't go just hang out with Emily, You went to the shooting range with Emily." She said with an angered tone.

"Yes." I stuttered. "But it felt nice to let it out."

"You don't shoot when your angry."

"I wasn't angry, I'm not angry." I tell her, even though I was lying.

"I don't want you going back there. Is that understood?"

I nod my head and go upstairs. I shower and get ready for bed. I walk into my mothers room and she gives me that pill thats suppose to help me sleep at night.

I went into my bed and laid in the dark. I couldn't sleep. Those goddamm pills weren't helping. I kept tossing and turning. Every time I closed my eyes, flashbacks from that freaking prison cell kept appearing.

I stood from my bed and walked over to Spencer's room. She wasn't there. Then I went downstairs, and her and my mother were watching a movie.

"Hey Ken. Wanna join us?" Spencer smiled.

"We have popcorn." My mother tried to bribe. I smiled softly and join them on the couch to watch the movie.

A/N: hey guys! So, I have been getting a lot of comments on why Kendall gets continuously hurt. Just be patient cause there is a reason ;)

Kisses -E

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