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"I can't believe this!" Jack comes up    and scratches the man right under his eye he's turns around and head iolompyc buds Jack. Jack falls to the floor and he turns around and looks at you his phone goes off and he reads it "it's Mark he wants to meet up! you better not say a word" The man punched you and you black out.
At a Park
(PLAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY JB ( I hate him but it fits...) )
Mark was sitting on a swing, Aaron comes up to him "H-Hey Mark lets talk about yesterday. I-I-I'm truly sorry I-I don't know what came over me I'm so sorry..." Mark looked at Aaron "it's fine, I mean it's not like I'm ever going to find either of them anyway" Mark started tearing up. Aaron Hugged Mark "It's okay I know we will." Someone came up and rested there shoulder on Aaron's back, he jumped up scared "what the-" Mark jumped up "Felix! Wade! I didn't know you where going to bring Wade!" "Well he has some stuff on the case in the computer." Aaron stood up and started dusting himself off "why do you guys just go to the police?" Felix and Mark looked at each other and back at Aaron "the police currently think Mark is dead... They think Y/N who is marks girlfriend is dead too... And they are searching for Jack like us they told us not to get involved but oh well it's our friends so we will if we wish." Aaron nodded his head and the boys walked over to a picnic table, Wade pulled out a laptop and started pulling up files Mark looked at the computer "Wade why do you have a file called "lesbian porn...?" Wade quickly exited out of his files and had a couple pulled up he opened one that had pictures of Cry. "I keep seeing him in public places, most of the places he has been are weapon stores..." Marks eyes widen "Weapons.... I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF HE HURTS Y/N OR JACK I WILL KILL HIM THIS TIME!" Aaron grabbed Marks shoulders and faced him towards him "Calm yourself Mark!" Mark took some deep breaths "okay continue Wade...."  Wade pulled up some more files "look he has also been to pharmacies and hospitals.... It seems like he's getting drugs for something-" Felix interpreted Wade "Or someone..."  Marks deep breathes started to turn into fast short ones Felix looked at him "Mark you are going to pass out calm yoursel-"  "HES GOING TO KILL HER OH MY GOD I THOUGHT HE LOVED HER WHY IS HE DOING THIS!" Aaron looked at the computer "from the computer files it seems that he is either going to give them drugs to make them pass out or calm them" Felix stood up "kinda of like the game life is strange. I don't know why it seems like that" Mark started breathing hard again "b-but don't worry everyone survived!" Felix faked a smile to try to calm Mark down. Aaron jumped up "come on we have no time to lose, let's go to the stores and ask about Cry." Wade and Mark stood up "I hope we can find them..." "We will Mark... We will..." Felix looked at Mark "we will have to wait till tomorrow it's Sunday everywhere is clide
Back with Cry.
(PLAY I'M SCARED BY DUFFY) You woke up and Cry came back and he had bags full of stuff, you noticed he has what looks like needles! You started moving around trying to get out of the rope with your wrist still stinging from rope burns. Cry looked at you disgusted "what are you swarming about?" You looked over at your pile of clothes he made you take off earlier, Marks hoodie is over there "i-I'm cold can you let me put my hoodie and jeans back on..." Cry looked over at the clothes "I may be a huge douche but I don't need you to get sick, but if you run I will shoot you and Jack..." He went behind you and untied you, you jumped up and ran over to your stuff and put it on. Cry started walking towards you and he tripped and dropped his gun. You ran over and grabbed it, you pointed it at him "Ha who's on the other side Now bitch!" Cry smiled "go ahead shoot me it won't do any good for you. Go ahead!" You held the gun pointed at Cry you started shaking and crying "I have to do it...." You cock the gun and are about to pull the trigger someone comes from behind and picks you up, when they pick you up you get scared and shoot the gun in the air you started kicking and punching trying to get out of the persons clutch. But they had a tight clutch Cry walked over and got the gun he made a evil laugh "your so fucking stupid.... You could have got yourself killed! Your lucky i didn't get my hands on you first..." You turn around and it's him again from earlier "your the little fucker that punched me!" You just remembered wait where's Jack?  You looked around the room and you saw Jack. He was tied up in a corner you could tell he has been beaten more you just wanted to hug him.... So you did! You head budded the guy in the face and jumped out of his arm and ran over to Jack and hugged him cry grabbed you by the waist and try to off of Jack. Jack pulled his was holding you close he whispered something in your ear "I heard him over talking Mark is getting closer... He will find us and kill Cry..." Cry pulled you off of Jack and threw you across the room your back hit the wall and you fell to the ground. Cry ran over to you and picked you up by your neck "don't you ever pull a fucking Stunt like that again or I will fucking kill you..." Cry started laughing "but you are sexy, especially when your fearing for your life..." Cry pulled you close to him and started kissing you, his mind it was a passionate kiss but in your mind it's if I don't kiss this freak I will die. You just sit there and let it happen after a couple minutes he pushes you away and the other guy comes back over and picks you up. (Play dazed and confused by led Zeppelin) You start screaming and struggling, Cry is afraid someone might here you from a lake down the street. Cry ran over to the bag he put down when he got here and grabbed a needle you the needle and started panicking Cry put something in the needle he turned around and looked at you "this will calm you down that's all!" Jack started moving around trying to stand up but fell "Y/N DON'T TRUST HIM!"
You listen to Jack and try to break free of the guys grip. Cry started coming towards you with the needle "Don't worry Y/N it will all be over soon... Hold her still!" He grabbed your head with one hand and your waist and arms with the other. Cry came over to you and stuck the needle in your neck and put the fluid into you. You could feel the stuff go into your neck, after he took the needle out he let go of you and you fell down you stood up and tried to walk to Jack but you started feeling dizzy. As you were walking towards him you fell over but Cry caught you before you fell on the floor. All you hear as you started to lose consciousness is Jack yelling "Y/N NO!"....

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