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Mark gets to his house and runs inside and lays face first on his couch, Wade looks at him "Sooo how'd it go?" Mark turns on his back "how the hell do you think?". "Bad I guess? Was she having bathroom sex?" "SHUT THE HELL UP WADE! NO ACTUALLY SHE WAS PLAYING WITH SOME GUY'S DICK!" Mark started crying into his hands. Wade looks at Mark "it's okay explain everything to me... Maybe I can help..."
Cry's Car
Cry and You made it to his house and you two walked inside, you looked around "Where are your parents?" "Oh my father is across the world serving and my mother doesn't get off until 9" "oh your parents work a lot too. So do you have any siblings?" "I have a sister but she's always at her friends so yeah the whole house to our self" Cry laughs a little. "Let's go up to my room we will watch Netflix on my (I don't want a war to start so you guys choose what you prefer)" you nod your head. Cry starts walking up Stairs and you follow him into his room, when you walked into the room you see his bed, a computer, some bean bag chairs, a closet, and a huge TV. "Make yourself a home if you get hungry tell me and I will go get you some food or something." You nodded and walked over to his bed and sit down, you noticed that Mark hasn't texted you yet like you thought he would have by now, you sigh and lay down Cry sits next to you. He stands up "Hey I will be right back I need to use the bathroom" "okay". You start to feel sad because Mark hasn't texted you yet, you look down and noticed that your pants are wet "at least I have a pair of shorts on under these" you stand up and unbutton your jeans and start to slide them off. Cry comes back in the room "hey I checked the freezer we have some wings if you wa-" Cry blushes and stares at you, you look over to see Cry frozen "uh Cry are you alright?" "Uh yeah sorry". Cry looks at the ground still blushing, you think for a second since you and Mark aren't together maybe you could date cry "oh and cry I realized that we could date" you start take off Mark's hoodie. "Oh really" he looks back up at you he sees you start to take off the hoodie. "I-I didn't know you wanted to date me for that reason" you look up "wait wha-" Cry starts getting closer to you "why didn't you just ask" he says pushing you onto his bed....
The Next Morning
Mark walks into school and goes into the gym and sits down. He looks around everyone is here expect... (turn on Photograph by Ed Sheeran) Hey have any of you guys talked to Y/N?" "No last time I talked to her was last night, she was texting me about going to a new friends house." Jack Told Mark, Mark's eyes widen and mouth dropped "I see..." Mark stood up "I need to go to the restroom" he walked out of the gym and into the bathroom he sat down on the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest "I should have brought her home with me like I said I was going to..." Mark starts tearing up. "Why did I just leave her there for him to come and take her...."
Jack comes into the bathroom and sees Mark "Woah bro are you okay?" Mark looks up "I don't know anymore Jack... I'm worried..." "Whatchu worried about Mark?" "Y/N..." "Why did something happen?!" Jack rolls up his sleeves "do I need to go all Irish on someone?!" "No Jack calm down..." "Mark please I can't stand to see you like this, your such a though guy and it's depressing seeing you cry" Mark stands up and wipes his face. "Your right Jack I am tough. I will handle this." Jacks eyes lit up and he smiled let's go before everyone else comes in. Here" "okay" as Mark and Jack where walking out Mark hugs Jack "thanks for making sure I was alright..." Jack pats Mark on the back "It's fine anytime bud" "oh and Jack by the way, no homo" they both walk out of the bathroom laughing and when there about to go into the  bell rings and they go to class.
At Cry's house
You think to yourself about what happened last night between you and Cry. "I can't believe it..." You look at the clock "damn it I'm late for class" Cry comes back into his room "Here" he throws a Metallica shirt at you "it's my sisters she won't care, here wear this too" he throws a pair of skinny jeans at you. "Change so we aren't to lat- SHIT" he runs over to you "what?!" "Do you have makeup?! Like foundation?!" "Why!" "Damn hickeys.". Cry runs into the hallway and comes back with foundation and puts some on your neck "good enough let's go" Cry runs downstairs, you follow him to his car and you guys go to school.
At the School
Mark looks at the clock and the bell rings he goes to the bathroom and waits for the hall to clear so he can get his stuff. The hall clears and he goes to his locker, (Turn on Radioactive by Imagine Dragons) You and Cry walk into the school and Mark looks at both of you... He smiles and smirks "look who finally decided to show up to school!" "Shit" you say under your breath, Mark slams his locker and walks over to you two "and you must be Cry... Nice to meet you.." "Yeah who are you?" "I'm Mark-" Mark sees the poorly hidden hickeys on your neck. Mark clenches his fist and punches Cry, he falls to the ground "Mark?! What are you doing?!" Mark grins "Showing the better man...." Mark kicks Cry in the gut, Cry grabs his leg an pulls him to the ground. You pull out your phone and text Jack and Wade to come and stop Mark, Cry has Mark on ground pushing on his face to the ground breaking his glasses. Mark pulls his arm free and punches him right in the nose breaking it, Mark flips Cry over on his back and start punching his face and he knees him in the balls. Cry pushes off Mark and pins him against the lockers and starts punching his gut and face. "STOP!!" You yell trying to pull them apart "Back up Y/N or you can get hurt!" Mark yells. Mark kicks Cry in the gut an he falls to the ground Mark gets on top of him and start beating his face in again. Cry starts losing consciousness Wade and Jack run up to Mark trying to pull him off "Mark! Stop your gonna kill em!" Jack yelled. A teacher hears the yelling and runs into the hall and tries to pull Mark off of Cry. A bunch of students from the classrooms come into the hall to the fight and start yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" You grab on to Mark around his waist and yell at him to stop. Mark freezes for a second and notices that everyone is watching and teachers are yelling and your arms are around his waist. He stands up and cracks his knuckles "that teaches you to mess with my girl." everyone is looking at Mark, the principal comes up and picks up Cry and drags him and Mark to his office. Mark looks at you as he's being dragged away then he looks at the ground, everyone goes to class and you pick up your backpack and go to your locker "what just happened...." "Well two boys just fought over you." Jack said standing beside you. "Let's just go to class" you say slamming your locker, you storm into the class room everyone staring at you, you lay your head on your desk shortly after the intercom goes of "uh yes we need Y/N Y/L to come to the office for a second" You stand up "Damn, it took you long enough" you say walking out of the class room. You go to the office and see Mark and Cry sitting in front of the office door you wave to Marl but he ignores you. You wave to Cry but he ignores you too you walk into the office "Yes?" "Please take a seat we need to talk about what happened" you sit down. "Okay so you know both of them, the boys sitting out there don't you?" "Congrats Mr. Obvious!" "I can do without the attitude, okay so I heard that you and "Cry" did some things Is this true" you stand up and slam your hands on his desk "I don't have to answer that damn question!" You yell "Ms. Y/L please sit down." "No I'm leaving" you walk out of his office and slam the door, you walk into the hall and look at Mark and then At Cry and then walk back to class. You walk back into the class to see that the teacher fell asleep while the video was playing and the three girls from lunch last week come up to you. "So I heard that Mark and Cry got in a fight because Mark got jealous that Cry fucked you first" you clench your fist and stand up "listen bitch none of that is true and you know it your damn self! So go fuck yourself, or a matter of fact go fuck your fuck boy boyfriend and get pregnant and have another abortion!" The leader of there squads mouth dropped and she  runs out of the room crying. "Oops my mistake." You say laying your head back down on your desk.
Lunch Time
"Do you guys know what there going to do with Mark and Cry?" Wade asked "Cry texted me, he's being sent back and Mark is getting Suspended for 3 days." "Awe shit man Mark's parents are going to kill him..." Bob said looking at the ground. "I feel like this is all my fault...." "No it's Cry's fault for taking you from Mark" "yeah I guess... I wish Mark would have not of took it so far!" "What the actual fuck are you talking about?!" "He didn't have to give him a black eye!" "Well he didn't have to smash Mark's glasses and Give him a Concussion!" "WELL HE DIDNT HAVE TO BREAK HIS NOSE!" You and Jack kept arguing then Wade finally said something "Enough stop your damn arguing!" Wade stands up and leaves. "Do you anything else about Mark?" Ken asked, "yeah he's staying at school for the rest of the day" "so we can try to talk to him?" Ken replied "yeah If you tired I guess" the bell rings "well I got to go." You stand up and leave
The end of the day.
(Play Another Empty Bottle by Katy Mcallister)  You go get your back out of your locker and open it to put your books in it to see that you still have Mark's hoodie.... You put your back to the locker and slide down to the floor... "Why does this have to happen to me just like my old school..." You punch the locker. You start crying "I'm not doing this again..." You pull up your sleeves and look at your scars on your wrist "I don't know how much longer I can do this..."
Your Bedroom
(Play When She Cries By Britt Nicole) You go into your room and start crying, your slowly realizing that you have no body anymore... Mark hates you... Cry is gone... Jack and Wade are pissed...There are rumors about you and Cry all over the school... Your dad  doesn't even love or Care for you... Your mom is never there for you.... "Well I guess this is it..." You laugh a little "I thought Mark would be here" you grab a bag and go outside and run down the street an up a hill then your there... The train bridge... You write a letter and tape it to the railing... You start crying because you think of Mark and Cry... "Well I guess this is where it ends"... You climb up on the rail, turn around and Fall off the bridge....

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