A Transfer Student...

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You started walking home in the rain "damn why is it so cold out" you said shivering. "Maybe I will take the long way through town and stop at the coffee shop" you smiled as you thought of the warm coffee and hot chocolate you can buy. You pulled out your purse out of your back pack (the purse is like a tiny back pack that people use as purses :P) you pulled out your wallet, you started counting your money "I should have enough if tax isn't too high" you start making your way downtown (Don't start with that song please 😂) you make it into town. You went into a Bagel and Bites there was a long line because most people came here after work "I'm going to be here for a while" you said pulling out your phone.
You: Hey Markimoo :3
Mark🎀: Hey (Add a cute nickname)
You: I decided to go to bagels and bites for some coffee but I should be home soon and we can play some video games with Bob and Wade.
Mark🎀: Yeah I'm pumped we are going to play this new game called Town of Salem. Wade said its a cool game about older times.
You: Sounds fun but I will text you back later I'm about to order my coffee. Ttyl ❤️
Mark🎀: Ttyl
You went up to the Register "Yeah I would like a Carmel Frappé with whole milk please" you said smiling. "That will be $2:50 darling" the girl at the register said, suddenly as you were pulling out your money someone slaps a five dollar bill in front of the cashier. "I'll pay for it." You look up to see a boy with brown hair, blue eyes and a green hoodie with a face on it that kind of looks like bay-max from Big Hero Six. "No it's fine I can pay for I-" "no please let me, save your money Hun". You put your money back in your purse and grabbed your drink "uhh... Thanks" you said smiling at the boy. You went over to a booth and sat down, shorty after the boy came over to you "can I sit here?" He said holding a milk shake pointing to the seat in front of you. "Uh sure it's the least I can do considering you just payed for my drink" he smiled and sat down. You pulled out your phone and started pulling up pictures of the game Mark told you about. "So what's your name stranger?" You looked up from your phone at the guy smiling at you, "Uh call me Y/N, what's your name" "that's a lovely name and you can just call me Cry, I'm a new transfer student, nice to meet you". You smiled "So what grade are you in?" He looked around "I know I have the face of a thirteen year old but I'm a Junior, now may I ask the same for you?". "I'm a Sophomore ha, so what school do you go too?" "Oh I'm starting (Your high school or a high school in your town) on Monday" you smiled "I go there, your going to like it the students and teachers are nice" you two start chatting. Mark keeps text you but your not responding "damn it" Mark says throwing his phone on the floor, "what's wrong bud?" Wade said looking at Mark. "Nothing" Mark replied, Wade  went over to marks phone and picked it up "oh I see your girlfriend not answering?" "shut up Wade!" Mark yelled.  "I'm just saying anything could be happening right now.." Wade Smirk "for all we know she could be having bathroom sex or being kidnapped, she is small, weak and has a nice body I would be worried if I were you" "don't talk about her like that! She's a strong girl and not some weak animal!" "I'm just saying if it was Molly I would be with her". Mark stood up "I'm going to bring her over here stay her let me borrow your car though" "fine" Wade said throwing his keys at Mark. Mark ran down stairs and outside and started driving towards downtown.
Back in the Coffee Shop
"So how long have you been living here?" "Oh I moved here in September, so do you know anyone in the town yet?" "Uh yeah actually, my aunt that's why we moved here." "Oh that's cool". You laugh a little, "hey I have a question for you" you look up at him sipping your coffee. "I was wondering if you were single...." You spit your coffee all over Cry "oh shit! I-I'm Sorry!" You pick a napkin and run over to Cry and start wiping his shirt and lap off. Mark comes into the coffee shop, Mark looks at you and his eyes widen, you look behind you to see Mark with his mouth dropped. You jump up and look at Mark "This isn't what it looks like I was just helping him clean up coffee I spit all over him" Mark closed his mouth clenched his fist turned around and walked out of the Coffee shop. (Turn on the song Stitches by Shawn Mendes during this part it will go with the mood) You ran after him, you saw him walking towards wades hippie van it was still raining out, you were running through puddles getting your legs wet. "Mark please!" You yelled "I-I thought that you liked me..." Mark stopped and looked at you. "That was before Wade was right for once..." Your eyes widen "What the hell do you mean that Wade was right!?" Mark clenched his fist *lighting strikes* "He said that I would walk in and see you with some other guy... Why do I always end up heart broken...." "Mark I'm sorry I didn't know you liked me like that". Marks face turns dark red "that's just it! I don't know if I like you like that!" Mark punches Wade's van and puts a dent in it, you gasp and back up "M-M-Mark" you back up a little more. "I need to go..." Mark gets into Wades car and drives away, you fall to your knees and start crying. Someone walks in front of you, you look up to see Cry "need a hand?" He says pointing his hand towards you, you grab his hand and stand up. He looks at you and sees you crying "wait was that guy your boyfriend?" You look at him with Puppy dog eyes "I don't know anymore..." "It's alright" cry hugs you. "I just don't want to be left alone again..." Cry hugs you tighter "I will make sure that doesn't happen" he lllllaaPpwhispers to you. You don't know how to respond, "if you want we can go hang out at my place, chill and watch Netflix" you look at him "okay..." He pulls out a set of keys lets go of you and takes you to his car get in and you two start driving to his house...

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